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51 - 75 of about 645 results
Long-term variation of the infaunal benthos of La Coruña Bay (NW Spain): results from a 12-year study (1982-1993)
E. López-Jamar, O. Francesch, A.V. Dorrío and S. Parra - 1995
Sci. Mar. 59(Suppl.1): 49-61 Abstract PDF
Age, growth and mortality of the spotted flounder (Citharus linguatula Linnaeus, 1758) in the Aegean Sea
V. Vassilopoulou and C. Papaconstantinou - 1994
Sci. Mar. 58(3): 261-267 Abstract PDF
Metabolic size spectra at a frontal station in the Alboran Sea. Working Group 4. Report.
R.A. Quiñones, J.M. Blanco, F. Echevarría, M.L. Fernández-Puelles, J. Gilabert, V. Rodríguez and L. Valdés - 1994
Sci. Mar. 58(1-2): 53-58 Abstract PDF
Antimicrobial activity of Southwestern Atlantic shallow-water marine sponges (Porifera)
Guilherme Muricy, Eduardo Hajdu, Fabio V. Araujo and Allen N. Hagler - 1993
Sci. Mar. 57(4): 427-432 Abstract PDF
Chaotic behaviour in simulated planktonic successions, I: Discrete temporal maps
Jordi Bascompte, Ricard V. Solé and Joaquim Valls - 1992
Sci. Mar. 56(4): 285-292 Abstract PDF
Mecanismos de control biológico de la proliferación de dinoflagelados marinos: I-factores de crecimiento y mitógenos
V. López-Rodas, S. González-Gil, A. Aguilera and E. Costas - 1992
Sci. Mar. 56(4): 293-299 Abstract PDF
The mesogloea (extracellular matrix) of hydrozoans can be species-specific for cell attachment and cell migration: a new tool for taxonomists?
V. Schmid, P. Schuchert, S. Piraino and F. Boero - 1992
Sci. Mar. 56(2-3): 131-136 Abstract PDF
Estudio comparativo de la cantidad de ADN en seis especies de Dinoflagelados
E. Costas and V. López-Rodas - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(4): 557-561 Abstract PDF
Development of a toxic Alexandrium minutum Halim (Dinophyceae) bloom in the harbour of Sant Carles de la Ràpita (Ebro Delta, northwestern Mediterranean)
Maximino Delgado, Marta Estrada, Jordi Camp, Juan V. Fernández, Mercedes Santmartí and Cristina Lletí - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(1): 1-7 Abstract PDF
The partitioning of free amino acids between phytoplankton, zooplankton and ichthyoplankton in the Ushant region
V. Martin-Jézéquel, P. Camus and S.A. Poulet - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 259-268 Abstract PDF
Behaviour of dissolved organic matter in a small, polluted estuary
J. Faganeli and V. Turk - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 513-521 Abstract PDF
The distribution of meiofauna and its contribution to detritic pathways in tidal flats (Arcachon Bay, France)
V. Escaravage, M.E. García and J. Castel - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 551-559 Abstract PDF
Assessment of macrozoobenthic communities in the lagoon of Obidos, western coast of Portugal
V. Quintino, A.M. Rodrigues and F. Gentil - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 645-654 Abstract PDF
Preliminary results on colonization, recovery and succession in a polluted area of the southern North Sea (Dunkerque's harbour, France)
Díaz-Castaneda, V., A. Richard and S. Frontier - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 705-716 Abstract PDF
Acute toxicity of two hydroxylated hydrocarbons to the prosobranch gastropod Littorina littorea
M.P. Cajaraville, A. Recio, V. Sáez and J.A. Marigómez - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 745-748 Abstract PDF
Procesos de formación y pérdida de feopigmentos en sistemas pelágicos: evaluación en condiciones de laboratorio
F. Guerrero, V. Rodríguez, B. Bautista and F. Giménez-Gómez - 1988
Invest. Pesq. Vol.52: 437-449 Abstract PDF
El sector pesquero argentino
Mª Isabel Bertolotti, Graciela V. Piergentili and Diego A. Cabut - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51(2): 193-221 Abstract PDF
Larvas de Crustáceos Decápodos en el Mar Ligure
A. Carli, A. Aste, L. Pane and V. Balestra - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51(1): 453-454 Abstract PDF
Consumo de oxígeno de Palaemonetes zariquieyi Sollaud, 1939 (Crustácea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae): Efectos de la temperatura y la salinidad
J.V. Puig and A. Sanz - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51(1): 515-524 Abstract PDF
List of the marine Crustacea Decapoda of the Northern Sporades (Aegean Sea) with systematic and zoogeographic remarks
M. Türkay, G. Fischer and V. Neumann - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51(1): 87-109 Abstract PDF
Amonificación en aguas y sedimentos de la bahía de Cádiz (SO de España)
J. Blasco, R. Establier, V. Flores and A. Gómez - 1986
Invest. Pesq. Vol.50: 297-307 Abstract PDF
A general model of stock and recruitment
V.M. Gómez Muñoz - 1986
Invest. Pesq. Vol.50: 421-435 Abstract PDF
Coexistencia de especies congenéricas de Acartia (Copepoda) en sistemas alterados: una aproximación empleando la teoría del nicho
V. Rodríguez, J. Rodríguez and F.X. Niell - 1985
Invest. Pesq. Vol.49: 15-34 Abstract PDF
Zooplankton transfer through the Gibraltar Strait and peculiarities of its taxonomic composition and distribution in adjacent areas
V.N. Greze, A.V. Covalev, E.P. Baldina, O.K. Bileva and A.A. Shmeleva - 1985
Invest. Pesq. Vol.49: 3-13 Abstract PDF
Variables hidrográficas y biológicas de un sistema pelágico portuario
V. Rodríguez and F. Vives - 1984
Invest. Pesq. Vol.48: 207-222 Abstract PDF

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