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401 - 425 of about 713 results
Zooplankton feeding ecology: Feeding rates of the copepods Acartia tonsa, Centropages velificatus and Eucalanus pileatus in relation to the suspended sediments in the plume of the Mississippi River (Northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf)
Patricia A. Tester and J.T. Turner - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 231-237 Abstract PDF
Appendicularian dynamics and the influence of runoff on their distribution in the Bay of Cullera (Spanish Mediterranean)
A. Raduán, C. Blanco, E. Soler and J.G. del Rio - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 251-257 Abstract PDF
Bottlenecks in the propagation of a fluctuation up the planktonic size spectrum in Mediterranean coastal waters
F. Jiménez, J. Rodríguez, F. Jiménez-Gómez and B. Bautista - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 269-275 Abstract PDF
The influence of tidal fronts on the distribution of intertidal fauna and flora
D. J. Crisp - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 283-292 Abstract PDF
Performances and use of energy in intertidal systems related to random disturbances and thermal stress
F.X. Niell, M. Espejo, J.A. Fernández and P. Algarra - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 293-299 Abstract PDF
Adaptation of intertidal sand meiofaunal oxygen uptake to temperature and population density
P.J.S. Boaden - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 329-334 Abstract PDF
Diversity in intertidal communities with special reference to the Corallina officinalis community
D.J. Crisp and Boniface Mwaiseje - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 365-372 Abstract PDF
Macro-invertebrate communities of chalk shores in Southeastern England
J.D. George and Fincham - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 373-385 Abstract PDF
Ecology of intertidal and sublittoral cryptic epifaunal assemblages. III. Assemblage structure and the solitary/colonial dichotomy
C.D. Todd and S.J. Turner - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 397-403 Abstract PDF
Bryozoan and barnacle settlement in relation to initial surface wettability: a comparison of laboratory and field studies
D. Rittschof and J.D. Costlow - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 411-416 Abstract PDF
Settlement of the barnacle Elminius modestus Darwin on test panels at Helgoland (North Sea): a ten year study
J. Harms and K. Anger - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 417-421 Abstract PDF
A general approach to the in situ energy budget of Eudendrium racemosum (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in the Western Mediterranean
M. Barangé, M. Zabala, T. Riera and J.M. Gili - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 423-427 Abstract PDF
The chloroplast-animal association in four Iberian Sacoglossan Opisthobranchs: Elysia timida, Elysia translucens, Thuridilla hopei and Bosellia mimetica
A. Marín and J. Ros - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 429-440 Abstract PDF
Gene flow between populations of Balanus improvisus Darwin (Cirripedia) in British estuaries
E.R. Furman, A.B. Yule and D.J. Crisp - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 465-472 Abstract PDF
Growth rates in a continuously immersed population of Cerastoderma edule L.
J.M. Guevara and F.X. Niell - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 483-489 Abstract PDF
Emergence and submergence effects on the distributional pattern and exchange of phosphorus in the seagrass Zostera noltii Hornem
J.L. Pérez-Llorens and F.X. Niell - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 497-503 Abstract PDF
Sediment-water nutrient fluxes: Preliminary results of in situ measurements in Alfaques Bay, Ebro River Delta
M. Vidal, J. Romero and J. Camp - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 505-511 Abstract PDF
Behaviour of dissolved organic matter in a small, polluted estuary
J. Faganeli and V. Turk - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 513-521 Abstract PDF
Carbon flows in the western Wadden Sea: Model calculations
J.W. Baretta and P. Ruardij - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 523-529 Abstract PDF
The production ecology of the subtidal benthos of the Forth Estuary, Scotland
M. Elliott and C.J.L. Taylor - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 531-541 Abstract PDF
The distribution of meiofauna and its contribution to detritic pathways in tidal flats (Arcachon Bay, France)
V. Escaravage, M.E. García and J. Castel - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 551-559 Abstract PDF
The structure of fish communities in the Tagus Estuary, Portugal, and its role as a nursery for commercial fish species
M.J. Costa and A. Bruxelas - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 561-566 Abstract PDF
The role of coastal areas in the life history of sole (Solea solea, L.) in the Bay of Biscay
C. Koutsikopoulos, Y. Desaunay, D. Dorel and J. Marchand - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 567-575 Abstract PDF
Quantitative sampling methodology of sediments in Bidasoa estuary
J.C., Sola, A. Urcelay, A. Miner and M. Ibáñez - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 585-589 Abstract PDF
The benthic macrofauna of some water reservoirs of salt-pans from Ria Formosa (Portugal)
Sofia J. Gamito - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 639-644 Abstract PDF
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