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J.M. Gili, J.L. Pretus and T.T. Packard - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 1-4 Abstract PDF
Gaia and the Mediterranean Sea
Kenneth J. Hsü - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 133-140 Abstract PDF
Following up on a Margalevian concept: Interactions and exchanges among adjacent parcels of coastal landscapes
I. Valiela, J.L. Bowen, M.L. Cole, K.D. Kroeger, D. Lawrence, W.J. Pabich, G. Tomasky and S. Mazzilli - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 215-229 Abstract PDF
Unnatural Oceans
J.B.C. Jackson and E. Sala - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 273-281 Abstract PDF
A case for tolerance in marine ecology: let us not put out the baby with the bathwater
W.E. Arntz and J.M. Gili - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 283-299 Abstract PDF
The oceanic fixed nitrogen and nitrous oxide budgets: Moving targets as we enter the anthropocene?
L.A. Codispoti, J.A. Brandes, J.P. Christensen, A.H. Devol, S.W.A. Naqvi, H.W. Paerl and T. Yoshinari - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 85-105 Abstract PDF
Experiments on layer formation in stratified shear flow
Jesús Cisneros-Aguirre, J.L. Pelegrí and P. Sangrà - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 117-126 Abstract PDF
Methodology to obtain accurate sea surface temperature from locally received NOAA-14 data in the Canary-Azores-Gibraltar area
Francisco Eugenio, J. Marcello, A. Hernández-Guerra and E. Rovaris - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 127-137 Abstract PDF
Field validation of a semi-spherical Lagrangian drifter
M. Gasser, J. Salvador, P. Sangrà and J.L. Pelegrí - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 139-143 Abstract PDF
Tidal currents and mixing in the Lake Maracaibo estuarine system
Ana Antoranz, J.L. Pelegrí and P. Masciangioli - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 155-166 Abstract PDF
Water masses, circulation and transport in the eastern boundary current of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre
Alonso Hernández-Guerra, Federico López-Laatzen, Francisco Machín, Demetrio de Armas and J.L. Pelegrí - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 177-186 Abstract PDF
Sensitivity of an idealized subtropical gyre to the eastern boundary conditions
Irene Láiz, P. Sangrà, J.L. Pelegrí and A. Marrero-Díaz - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 187-194 Abstract PDF
Applicability of T-S algorithms to the Canary Islands region
Ángeles Marrero-Díaz, J.L. Pelegrí, A. Rodríguez-Santana and P. Sangrà - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 195-204 Abstract PDF
Dynamical characteristics of the Cape Verde frontal zone
Pilar Pérez-Rodríguez, J.L. Pelegrí and A. Marrero-Díaz - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 241-250 Abstract PDF
Seasonal variability of the upper warmwatersphere in the Canary Basin
Andry W. Ratsimandresy, J.L. Pelegrí, A. Marrero-Díaz, A. Hernández-Guerra and A. Martínez - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 251-258 Abstract PDF
On the relevance of diapycnal mixing for the stability of frontal meanders
Ángel Rodríguez-Santana, J.L. Pelegrí, P. Sangrà and A. Marrero-Díaz - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 259-267 Abstract PDF
The ocean, our climate and the earth's health
J.L. Pelegrí, I. Alonso and J. Arístegui - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 3-6 Abstract PDF
J.L. Pelegrí, I. Alonso and J. Arístegui - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 301-304 Abstract PDF
Determination of metallic complexing capacities of the dissolved organic material in seawater
Luis M. Laglera-Baquer, M. González-Dávila and J.M. Santana-Casiano - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 33-40 Abstract PDF
Carbon dioxide system in the Canary region during October 1995
J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano, M. González-Dávila, L.M. Laglera Baquer and M.J. Rodríguez Somoza - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 41-50 Abstract PDF
Zooplankton abundance in subtropical waters: is there a lunar cycle?
Santiago Hernández-León, C. Almeida, L. Yebra, J. Arístegui, M.L. Fernández de Puelles and J. García-Braun - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 59-64 Abstract PDF
Aeolian sediment availability in coastal areas defined from sedimentary parameters. Application to a case study in Fuerteventura
J. Alcántara-Carrió and I. Alonso - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 7-20 Abstract PDF
Chlorophyll increase due to internal waves in the shelf-break of Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands)
Pablo Sangrà, G. Basterretxea, J.L. Pelegrí and J. Arístegui - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 89-97 Abstract PDF
Larval trophodynamics, turbulence, and drift on Georges Bank: A sensitivity analysis of Cod and Haddock
Francisco Werner, B.R. MacKenzie, R.I. Perry, R.G. Lough, C.E. Naimie, B.O. Blanton and J.A. Quinlan - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 99-115 Abstract PDF
Considerations on the biology of Plesionika edwardsi (Brandt, 1851) (Decapoda, Caridea, Pandalidae) from experimental trap catches in the Spanish western Mediterranean Sea
M. García Rodríguez, A. Esteban and J.L. Pérez Gil - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(4): 369-379 Abstract PDF

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