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101 - 125 of about 713 results
Visibility as a factor in the copepod-planktivorous fish relationship
J. Rudi Strickler, Ava J. Udvadia, John Marino, Nick Radabaugh, Josh Ziarek and Ai Nihongi - 2005
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.1): 111-124 Abstract PDF
Methods of sampling and analysis and our concepts of ocean dynamics
Peter J. Wangersky - 2005
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.1): 75-84 Abstract PDF
Estimates of gradient Richardson numbers from vertically smoothed data in the Gulf Stream region
P. van Gastel and J.L. Pelegrí - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(4): 459-482 Abstract PDF
A pressurizing system for long-term study of marine or freshwater organisms enabling the simulation of cyclic vertical migrations
Alfredo Damasceno-Oliveira, J. Gonçalves, J. Silva, B. Fernández-Durán and J. Coimbra - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(4): 615-619 Abstract PDF
Assessment of the behavior of oil in the tanks of the "Prestige" in the Atlantic deep sea
María J. Marcos, Almudena Agüero, Antonio García-Olivares, Bernd J. Haupt and José L. de Pablos - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(3): 307-315 Abstract PDF
Tracking a big anticyclonic eddy in the western Mediterranean Sea
J. Font, J. Isern-Fontanet and J. Salas - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(3): 331-342 Abstract PDF
Ultrastructural studies of oogenesis in Bolinus brandaris (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
M.J. Amor, M. Ramón and M. Durfort - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(3): 343-353 Abstract PDF
Growth of juvenile salema, Sarpa salpa (Teleostei: Sparidae) in the Kornati Archipelago, eastern Adriatic Sea
Matic-Skoko, S., M. Kraljevic, J. Dulcic and A. Pallaoro - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(3): 411-417 Abstract PDF
Feeding ecology of the gobies Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770) and Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer, 1838) in the upper Tagus estuary, Portugal
J.P. Salgado, H.N. Cabral and M.J. Costa - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(3): 425-434 Abstract PDF
Selectivity of penaeid trap nets used in south eastern Australia
Matt K. Broadhurst, Michael E.L. Wooden, Damian J. Young and William G. Macbeth - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(3): 445-455 Abstract PDF
Ontogenetic radular variation in species of Tambja Burn, 1962 (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia, Polyceratidae), from the eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Amelia Ocaña, Luis Sánchez-Tocino and Francisco J. García - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(2): 205-210 Abstract PDF
Morphometry, growth and reproduction of an Atlantic population of the razor clam Ensis macha (Molina, 1782)
Pedro J. Barón, Luciano E. Real, Néstor F. Ciocco and M.E. Ré - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(2): 211-217 Abstract PDF
Benthic decapod crustaceans associated with captures of Munida spp. (Decapoda: Anomura) in the Beagle Channel, Argentina
P. Pérez-Barros, F. Tapella, M.C. Romero, J.A. Calagno and G.A. Lovrich - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(2): 237-246 Abstract PDF
Insular stock identification of Serranus atricauda (Pisces: Serranidae) through the presence of Ceratothoa steindachneri (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) and Pentacapsula cutanea (Myxozoa, Pentacapsulidae) in the Canary Islands
C. Cuyás, J.J. Castro, A.T. Santana-Ortega and E. Carbonell - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(1): 159-163 Abstract PDF
Reconstruction of trophic pathways between plankton and the North Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) using stable isotopes
Antonio Bode, M.T. Alvarez-Ossorio, P. Carrera and J. Lorenzo - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(1): 165-178 Abstract PDF
Sibling species of copepods in association with Mediterranean gorgorians
Mercedes Conradi, César Megina and Pablo J. López-González - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(1): 85-96 Abstract PDF
Deep-sea Mediterranean biology: the case of Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso, 1827) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Aristeidae)
C.Y Politou, K. Kapiris, P. Maiorano, F. Capezzuto and J. Dokos - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.3): 129-139 Abstract PDF
Body fish size tendencies within and among species in the deep-sea of the western Mediterranean
J. Moranta, M. Palmer, E. Massutí, C. Stefanescu and B. Morales-Nin - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.3): 141-152 Abstract PDF
Indications of low macrobenthic activity in the deep sediments of the eastern Mediterranean Sea
D. Basso, J. Thomson and C. Corselli - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.3): 53-62 Abstract PDF
Deep-sea decapod crustaceans in the western and central Mediterranean Sea: preliminary aspects of species distribution, biomass and population structure
J.B. Company, A. Tselepides, P. Maiorano, F. Sardà, G. Rotllant and C.Y. Politou - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.3): 73-86 Abstract PDF
Fauna of the Mediterranean Hydrozoa
J. Bouillon, M.D. Medel, F. Pagès, J.M. Gili, F. Boero and C. Gravili - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.2): 1-454 Abstract PDF
Stress protein (HSP70 family) expression in intertidal benthic organisms: the example of Anthopleura elegantissima (Cnidaria: Anthozoa)
Mark J. Snyder and Sergio Rossi - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.1): 155-162 Abstract PDF
Deep macrobenthic communities from Nazaré Submarine Canyon (NW Portugal)
J. Cúrdia, S. Carvalho, A. Ravara, J.D. Gage, A.M. Rodrigues and V. Quintino - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.1): 171-180 Abstract PDF
Intertidal water column meiofauna in relation to wave intensity on an exposed beach
J. Germán Rodríguez - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.1): 181-187 Abstract PDF
J.D. Ros, T.T. Packard, J.M. Gili, J.L. Pretus and D. Blasco (eds.) - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.1): 3-4 Abstract PDF

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