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176 - 200 of about 3425 results
Dynamical characteristics of the Cape Verde frontal zone
Pilar Pérez-Rodríguez, J.L. Pelegrí and A. Marrero-Díaz - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 241-250 Abstract PDF
Seasonal variability of the upper warmwatersphere in the Canary Basin
Andry W. Ratsimandresy, J.L. Pelegrí, A. Marrero-Díaz, A. Hernández-Guerra and A. Martínez - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 251-258 Abstract PDF
On the relevance of diapycnal mixing for the stability of frontal meanders
Ángel Rodríguez-Santana, J.L. Pelegrí, P. Sangrà and A. Marrero-Díaz - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 259-267 Abstract PDF
The ocean, our climate and the earth's health
J.L. Pelegrí, I. Alonso and J. Arístegui - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 3-6 Abstract PDF
J.L. Pelegrí, I. Alonso and J. Arístegui - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 301-304 Abstract PDF
Determination of metallic complexing capacities of the dissolved organic material in seawater
Luis M. Laglera-Baquer, M. González-Dávila and J.M. Santana-Casiano - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 33-40 Abstract PDF
Carbon dioxide system in the Canary region during October 1995
J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano, M. González-Dávila, L.M. Laglera Baquer and M.J. Rodríguez Somoza - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 41-50 Abstract PDF
Zooplankton abundance in subtropical waters: is there a lunar cycle?
Santiago Hernández-León, C. Almeida, L. Yebra, J. Arístegui, M.L. Fernández de Puelles and J. García-Braun - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 59-64 Abstract PDF
Aeolian sediment availability in coastal areas defined from sedimentary parameters. Application to a case study in Fuerteventura
J. Alcántara-Carrió and I. Alonso - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 7-20 Abstract PDF
Chlorophyll increase due to internal waves in the shelf-break of Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands)
Pablo Sangrà, G. Basterretxea, J.L. Pelegrí and J. Arístegui - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 89-97 Abstract PDF
Larval trophodynamics, turbulence, and drift on Georges Bank: A sensitivity analysis of Cod and Haddock
Francisco Werner, B.R. MacKenzie, R.I. Perry, R.G. Lough, C.E. Naimie, B.O. Blanton and J.A. Quinlan - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.1): 99-115 Abstract PDF
Considerations on the biology of Plesionika edwardsi (Brandt, 1851) (Decapoda, Caridea, Pandalidae) from experimental trap catches in the Spanish western Mediterranean Sea
M. García Rodríguez, A. Esteban and J.L. Pérez Gil - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(4): 369-379 Abstract PDF
The reproductive biology of Spondyliosoma cantharus (L.) from the SW Coast of Portugal
J.M.S. Gonçalves and K. Erzini - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(4): 403-411 Abstract PDF
Field calibration of optical sensors for measuring suspended sediment concentration in the western Mediterranean
J. Guillén, A. Palanques, P. Puig, X. Durrieu de Madron and F. Nyffeler - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(4): 427-435 Abstract PDF
Estimating the size of Uca tangeri (Crustacea: Ocypodidae) without massive crab capture
R. Lourenço, J. Paula and M. Henriques - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(4): 437-439 Abstract PDF
Distribution and structure of the southernmost Caribbean coral reefs: golfo de Urabá, Colombia
J.M. Díaz, G. Díaz-Pulido and J.A. Sánchez - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(3): 327-336 Abstract PDF
Climatological coupling of the thermohaline decadal changes in Central Water of the Eastern North Atlantic
F.F. Pérez, R.T. Pollard, J.F. Read, V. Valencia and A.F. Ríos - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(3): 347-353 Abstract PDF
Contribution to the study of the morphology of the teeth of the nursehound Scyliorhinus stellaris (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae)
A. Soldo, J. Dulcic and P. Cetinic - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(3): 355-356 Abstract PDF
Application of flow cytometry in marine phytoplankton research: current applications and future perspectives
Marcel J.W. Veldhuis and Gijsbert W. Kraay - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(2): 121-134 Abstract PDF
Flow cytometry as a tool for the study of phytoplankton
G.B.J. Dubelaar and R.R. Jonker - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(2): 135-156 Abstract PDF
Probing the physiological state of phytoplankton at the single-cell level
Frank J. Jochem - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(2): 183-195 Abstract PDF
Flow cytometry and integrated imaging
V. Kachel and J. Wietzorrek - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(2): 247-254 Abstract PDF
CytoBuoy: a step forward towards using flow cytometry in operational oceanography
G.B.J. Dubelaar P.L. Gerritzen - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(2): 255-265 Abstract PDF
Capture of Grammicolepis brachiusculus Poey, 1873 (Grammicolepididae) off the Canary Islands
J.A. González, V. Rico and J.I. Santana - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(1): 107-109 Abstract PDF
Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906, not Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880), inhabits the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina
M.S. Hoffmeyer, B.J. Frost and M.B. Castro - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(1): 111-113 Abstract PDF

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