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151 - 175 of about 709 results
The drift of Modified Atlantic Water from the Alboran Sea to the eastern Mediterranean
J. Font, C. Millot, J. Salas, A. Julià and O. Chic - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(3): 211-216 Abstract PDF
Growth of juvenile Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus in the Gulf of California
M.G. Gluyas-Millán, M. Castonguay and C. Quiñonez-Velázquez - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(3): 225-231 Abstract PDF
Polychate distribution, diversity and seasonality related to seagrass cover in shallow bottoms of the Tyrrenian Sea (Italy)
M.C. Gambi, G. Conti and C.S. Bremec - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(1-2): 1-17 Abstract PDF
Biochemical genetics in the Argentinean squid, Illex argentinus
B. Jerez, M.I. Roldán and C. Pla - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(1-2): 141-149 Abstract PDF
Recruitment, growth, mortality and orientation patterns of Balanus trigonus (Crustacea: Cirripedia) during succession on fouling plates
C.B. Garcia and I. Moreno - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(1-2): 59-64 Abstract PDF
Observations on the burrows and burrowing behaviour of Brachynotus gemmellari and on the burrows of several other species occurring on Squilla grounds off Ancona, Central Adriatic
R.J.A. Atkinson, C. Froglia, E. Arneri and B. Antolini - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(1-2): 91-100 Abstract PDF
Sources of acoustic scattering near a halocline in an estuarine frontal system
A. Madirolas, E.M. Acha, R.A. Guerrero and C. Lasta - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(4): 431-438 Abstract PDF
Histochemical and immunocytochemical study of gonadotropic pituitary cells of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus during annual reproductive cycle
C. Sarasquete, J.A. Muñoz-Cueto, M.L. González de Canales, A. García-García, F.J. Rodríguez-Gómez, C. Piñuela, C. Rendon and R.B. Rodríguez. - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(4): 439-449 Abstract PDF
Variabilidad genética en peces demersales: Distribución en profundidad versus restricciones filogenéticas
C. Oyarzún, R. Galleguillo and J. Monsalves - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(3): 291-296 Abstract PDF
Evaluation of three length-based methods for estimating growth in tropical fishes: The red snapper Lutjanus campechanus of the Campeche Bank (Mexico)
C. Leonce-Valencia and O. Defeo - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(3): 297-303 Abstract PDF
Nematocyst analysis of Cyanea capillata and Cyanea lamarckii (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria)
C. Östman and J. Hydman - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(3): 313-344 Abstract PDF
Distribution and age structure of mackerel (Scomber scombrus, L.) and horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, L.) in the northern coast of Spain, 1989-1994
B. Villamor, P. Abaunza, P. Lucio and C. Porteiro - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(3): 345-366 Abstract PDF
Measurement of bacterial size via image analysis of epifluorescence preparations: description of an inexpensive system and solutions to some of the most common problems
R. Massana, J.M. Gasol, P.K. Bjørnsen, N. Blackburn, Å. Hagström, S. Hietanen, B.H. Hygum, J. Kuparinen and C. Pedrós-Alió - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(3): 397-407 Abstract PDF
On the heart and circulation in doliolids (Tunicata: Thaliacea)
Q. Bone, J.C. Braconnot and C. Carré - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(2): 189-194 Abstract PDF
Summary of research activities in 1995 and 1996
J.M. Gili and C. Borruel - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(2): 233-283 Abstract PDF
Circadian biomass and abundance changes of five euphasiid species along the west coast of Baja California Mexico, December 1993
J. Gómez-Gutiérrez and C.J. Robinson - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(1): 27-35 Abstract PDF
Reproduction and growth of Mytilus edulis chilensis from the Falkland Islands
A.P. Gray, R. Seed and C.A. Richardson - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(Suppl.2): 39-48 Abstract PDF
Biology and description of Antisabia juliae sp. nov., new Hipponicid gastropod commensal on Turbo spp. in Laing Island (Papua New Guinea)
M. Poulicek, J.-C. Bussers and P. Vandewalle. - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(Suppl.2): 5-14 Abstract PDF
Hole drilling in crab and gastropod shells by Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798)
N.W. Runham, C.J. Bailey, M. Carr, C.A. Evans and S. Malham - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(Suppl.2): 67-76 Abstract PDF
Effects of low level chlorination on the recruitment, behaviour and shell growth of Mytilus edulis Linnaeus in power station cooling water
I.S. Thompson, R. Seed, C.A. Richardson, L. Hui and G. Walker - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(Suppl.2): 77-85 Abstract PDF
Seasonal changes in the biochemical composition of the muscle and liver of bib (Trisopterus luscus L.) (Pisces, Gadidae) from the Cantabrian Sea (N Spain)
C.R. Merayo - 1996
Sci. Mar. 60(4): 489-495 Abstract PDF
Isolation of Acanthamoeba spp. in intensive aquaculture areas of Vigo estuary (NW, Spain)
M. Lloves, B. Lores, S. Pascual, C. Arias and E. Paniagua - 1996
Sci. Mar. 60(4): 549-551 Abstract PDF
First record of the trypanorhynchidean parasite Nybelinia lingualis Cuvier, 1817 in the squid Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae)
S. Pascual, C. Arias and A. Guerra - 1996
Sci. Mar. 60(4): 553-555 Abstract PDF
Effects of sewage pollution in the structure and dynamics of the community of Cystoseira mediterranea (Fucales, Phaeophyceae).
C. Rodriguez-Prieto and L. Polo - 1996
Sci. Mar. 60(2-3): 253-263 Abstract PDF
Ultrastructural data on the life cycle of the parasite, Perkinsus atlanticus (Apicomplexa), on the clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, in the Mediterranean
E. Sagristà, M. Durfort and C. Azevedo - 1996
Sci. Mar. 60(2-3): 283-288 Abstract PDF

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