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201 - 225 of about 709 results
Temporal changes in brachyuran crab diversity along heterogeneous habitat in a mangrove ecosystem of Indian Sundarbans
Shilpa Sen, Sudeshna Mukherjee, Atreyee Chaudhuri and Sumit Homechaudhuri - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(3): 433-442 Abstract PDF
- - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 153-153 Abstract PDF

Evolution of geoids in recent years and its impact on oceanography
Marco Talone, Marco Meloni, Josep L. Pelegri, Miquel Rosell-Fieschi and Rune Flobergaghen - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 155-164 Abstract PDF
Levantine Intermediate Water characteristics: an astounding general misunderstanding! (addendum)
Claude Millot - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 165-171 Abstract PDF
Evaluation of marine phytoplankton toxicity by application of marine invertebrate bioassays
Eva Aylagas, Iratxe Menchaca, Aitor Laza-Martínez, Sergio Seoane and Javier Franco - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 173-183 Abstract PDF
First implementation of the Large Fish Index (LFI) in the eastern Mediterranean
Dor Edelist, Daniel Golani and Ehud Spanier - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 185-192 Abstract PDF
Yearly growth and metabolic changes in earthen pond-cultured meagre Argyrosomus regius
Luis Vargas-Chacoff, Ignacio Ruiz-Jarabo, Inês Páscoa, Odete Gonçalves and Juan Miguel Mancera - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 193-202 Abstract PDF
Abundance and behavioural ecology of the blenny Ophioblennius trinitatis (Teleostei: Blenniidae) at an oceanic archipelago of Brazil (Atlantic)
Paulo R. Medeiros, Danilo P. Rada and Ricardo S. Rosa - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 203-212 Abstract PDF
Preliminary evaluation of landings and discards of the Turkish bottom trawl fishery in the northeastern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean)
Çetin Keskin, Francesc Ordines, Celal Ates, Joan Moranta and Enric Massutí - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 213-225 Abstract PDF
Summer distribution and abundance of the giant devil ray (Mobula mobular) in the Adriatic Sea: Baseline data for an iterative management framework
Caterina Maria Fortuna, Laurence Kell, Draško Holcer, Simonepietro Canese, Elio Filidei Jr., Peter Mackelworth and Greg Donovan - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 227-237 Abstract PDF
Stock identification of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the North Pacific Ocean on the basis of beak and statolith morphology
Zhou Fang, Bilin Liu, Jianghua Li, Hang Su and Xinjun Chen - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 239-248 Abstract PDF
Vertical and horizontal larval distribution of an offshore brachyuran crab, Monodaeus couchii, off the south coast of Portugal
Patricia N. Pochelon, Antonina dos Santos, A. Miguel P. Santos and Henrique Queiroga - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 249-256 Abstract PDF
Size distribution and monthly variation of ovarian development for the female blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus in Beibu Gulf, off south China
Zhijun Liu, Xugan Wu, Wei Wang, Binlun Yan and Yongxu Cheng - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 257-268 Abstract PDF
Species richness and distribution patterns of echinoderms in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean (34-56°S)
Valeria Souto, Mariana Escolar, Gabriel Genzano and Claudia Bremec - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 269-280 Abstract PDF
First records, rediscovery and compilation of deep-sea echinoderms in the middle and lower continental slope of the Mediterranean Sea
Ariadna Mecho, David S.M. Billett, Eva Ramírez-Llodra, Jacopo Aguzzi, Paul A. Tyler and Joan B. Company - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 281-302 Abstract PDF
Adult sex ratios of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in two Mediterranean foraging grounds
Paolo Casale, Daniela Freggi, Fulvio Maffucci and Sandra Hochscheid - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(2): 303-309 Abstract PDF
Mitochondrial DNA markers of loggerhead marine turtles (Caretta caretta) (Testudines: Cheloniidae) nesting at Kyparissia Bay, Greece, confirm the western Greece unit and regional structuring
Carlos Carreras, ALan F. Rees, Annette C. Broderick, Brendan J. Godley and Dimitris Margaritoulis - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 115-124 Abstract PDF
Characteristics (abundance, type and origin) of beach litter on the Galician coast (NW Spain) from 2001 to 2010
Jesús Gago, Fernando Lahuerta and Pilar Antelo - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 125-134 Abstract PDF
Influence of sea-bottom temperature and depth on swept area estimation from trawl surveys
Jure Brčić, Federica Grilli and Antonello Sala - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 135-142 Abstract PDF
Identification of European species of Maja (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majidae): RFLP analyses of COI mtDNA and morphological considerations (Erratum)
Guillermo Guerao, Karl B. Andree, Carlo Froglia, Carles G. Simeó and Guiomar Rotllant - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 143-143 Abstract PDF
First report on the contribution of small-sized species to the copepod community structure of the southern Patagonian shelf (Argentina, 47-55°S)
Julieta Carolina Antacli, Daniel Raúl Hernández and Marina Elena Sabatini - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 17-26 Abstract PDF
Variability in the structure of epiphytic microalgae assemblages on the leaves of Posidonia oceanica in relation to human disturbance in a meadow off Tunisia
Lotfi Mabrouk, Mounir Ben Brahim, Asma Hamza, Mabrouka Mahfoudhi and Med-Najmeddine Bradai - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 27-39 Abstract PDF
Feeding of European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) in the northwestern Mediterranean: from late larvae to adults
David Costalago and Isabel Palomera - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 41-54 Abstract PDF
CPUE trends of Hilsa kelee and Thryssa vitrirostris exploited by the artisanal finfish fisheries in Mozambique derived from an on-shore sampling of catches by trip
Massimiliano Cardinale, Osvaldo Chacate, Michele Casini, Isabel Chaúca and Jon Helge Vølstad - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 55-64 Abstract PDF
Reproductive phase determination in male meagre (Argyrosomus regius, Sciaenidae): testis development and histologic corroboration of a gross anatomical scale
Nuno Prista, Leonel Gordo, José Lino Costa, Maria José Costa and Cynthia Jones - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(1): 65-80 Abstract PDF

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