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Comparison of satellite altimetry sea level anomalies and hydrographic observations in the Mediterranean Sea

Francisco Mir Calafat and Marta Marcos Moreno - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 429-439 Abstract PDF
Monitoring the Northern Current in the Gulf of Lions with an observing system simulation experiment
Aurélie Duchez, Jacques Verron, Jean-Michel Brankart, Yann Ourmières and Philippe Fraunié - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 441-453 Abstract PDF
The effect of coral polyp sizes and coral exudates on picoeukaryote dynamics in a controlled environment
Ying-Pin Wang, Kwee Siong Tew, Jimmy Kuo and Fung-Chi Koand Pei-Jie Meng - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 455-461 Abstract PDF
Development of the hectocotylus in Illex coindetii (Verany 1837) (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae)
Fulvio Zecchini, Michael Vecchione, Paola Belcari and Clyde F.E. Roper - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 463-472 Abstract PDF
Species identification of Ommastrephes bartramii, Dosidicus gigas, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and Illex argentinus (Ommastrephidae) using beak morphological variables
Xinjun Chen, Huajie Lu, Bilin Liu, Yong Chen, Siliang Li and Ma Jin - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 473-481 Abstract PDF
Developmental and moult cycle related biochemical changes in larvae of the spider crab, Maja brachydactyla (Brachyura: Majidae)
Guiomar Rotllant, Guillermo Guerao, Marta Sastre and Klaus Anger - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 483-488 Abstract PDF
A new species of Pagurus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae), new records and a redescription of hermit crabs from the Mexican Pacific
Manuel Ayón-Parente and Michel E. Hendrickx - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 489-506 Abstract PDF
Life history traits of the invasive estuarine shrimp Palaemon macrodactylus (Caridea: Palaemonidae) in a marine environment (Mar del Plata, Argentina)
María Guadalupe Vázquez, Claudia C. Bas and Eduardo D. Spivak - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 507-516 Abstract PDF
Description of a new genus of Cryptochiridae (Decapoda: Brachyura) associated with Siderastrea (Anthozoa: Scleractinia), with notes on feeding habits
Marcelle F.S. Badaro, Elizabeth G. Neves, Peter Castro and Rodrigo Johnsson - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 517-526 Abstract PDF
Effects of algal diets and starvation on growth, survival and fatty acid composition of Solen marginatus (Bivalvia: Solenidae) larvae
Fiz da Costa, Susana Nóvoa, Justa Ojea and Dorotea Martínez-Patiño - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 527-537 Abstract PDF
Particular features of gonadal maturation and size at first maturity in Atrina maura (Bivalvia: Pinnidae)
Marian A. Camacho-Mondragón, Marcial Arellano-Martínez and Bertha P. Ceballos-Vázquez - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 539-548 Abstract PDF
The effect of organic and conventional production methods on sea bream growth, health and body composition: a field experiment
Eleni Mente, Alexandros Stratakos, Ioannis S. Boziaris, Konstantinos A. Kormas, Vasileios Karalazos, Ioannis T. Karapanagiotidis, Vassiliki A. Catsiki and Leondios Leondiadis - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 549-560 Abstract PDF
Discards of the purse seine fishery targeting small pelagic fish in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
Konstantinos Tsagarakis, Vassiliki Vassilopoulou, Argyris Kallianiotis and Athanassios Machias - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 561-572 Abstract PDF
The fate of eggs and larvae of three pelagic species, mackerel (Scomber scombrus), horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in relation to prevailing currents in the Bay of Biscay: Could they affect larval survival?
Paula Alvarez and Marina Chifflet

Supplementary material

- 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 573-586 Abstract PDF
Age, growth and utility of otolith morphometrics as a predictor of age in the wrasse Coris julis (Labridae) from the eastern Adriatic Sea
Frane Škeljo, Josipa Ferri, Jure Brčić, Mirela Petrić and Ivan Jardas - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 587-595 Abstract PDF
A bio-economic evaluation of the potential for establishing a commercial fishery on two newly developed stocks: The Ionian red shrimp fishery
Jordi Guillen, Francesc Maynou, Christos Floros, David Sampson, Alexis Conides and Kostas Kapiris - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 597-605 Abstract PDF
A small-scale fishery near a rocky littoral marine reserve in the northwestern Mediterranean (Medes Islands) after two decades of fishing prohibition
Paloma Martín, Francesc Maynou, Vanessa Stelzenmüller and Miquel Sacanell - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 607-618 Abstract PDF
Miquel Massutí Oliver (1930-2012)
Pere Oliver - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 619-620 Abstract PDF
Marta Pascual, Carles Pelejero, Francesc Peters and Dolors Vaqué - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(2): 215-215 Abstract PDF
Ramon Margalef López
Josefina Castellví - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(2): 217-220 Abstract PDF
Buenaventura Andreu Morera
Ángel Guerra - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(2): 221-224 Abstract PDF

Loss of genetic variability in a hatchery strain of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) revealed by sequence data of the mitochondrial DNA control region and microsatellite markers

Pablo Sánchez, Jordi Viñas, Jaime R. Alvarado Bremer, Pedro Pablo Ambrosio and Rosa Flos - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(2): 225-235 Abstract PDF
Seasonal, lunar and tidal control of ichthyoplankton dynamics at the interface between a temperate estuary and adjacent coastal waters (western Portugal)
Ana Lígia Primo, Ulisses Miranda Azeiteiro, Sónia Cotrim Marques, Pedro Ré and Miguel Ângelo Pardal - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(2): 237-246 Abstract PDF
Abundance patterns of early stages of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) during a cooling period in a coastal lagoon south of the California Current
René Funes-Rodríguez, Rafael Cervantes-Duarte, Silverio López-López, Alejandro Hinojosa-Medina, Alejandro Zárate-Villafranco and Gabriela M. Esqueda-Escárcega - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(2): 247-257 Abstract PDF
A morphohistological and histochemical study of hatchery-reared European hake, Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758), during the lecitho-exotrophic larval phase
Juan B. Ortiz-Delgado, José Iglesias, Francisco J. Sánchez, Rosa Cal, M. Jesus Lago, Juan J. Otero and Carmen Sarasquete - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(2): 259-271 Abstract PDF
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