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126 - 150 of about 647 results
Modelling the effects of more selective trawl nets on the productivity of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) and deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) stocks in the Strait of Sicily
Sergio Vitale, Marco Enea, Giacomo Milisenda, Vita Gancitano, Michele Luca Geraci, Fabio Falsone, Gioacchino Bono, Fabio Fiorentino and Francesco Colloca - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 199-208 Abstract PDF
Preliminary results on the use of semi-floating shrimp traps for the striped soldier shrimp, Plesionika edwardsii (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pandalidae), off the Algarve coast (southern Portugal)
Moritz Eichert, Aida Campos, Paulo Fonseca, Victor Henriques and Margarida Castro - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 209-214 Abstract PDF
Towards more selective Mediterranean trawl fisheries: are juveniles and trash excluder devices effective tools for reducing undersized catches?
Sergio Vitale, Giacomo Milisenda, Michele Gristina, Pasquale Baiata, Sara Bonanomi, Francesco Colloca, Vita Gancitano, Danilo Scannela, Fabio Fiorentino and Antonello Sala - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 215-223 Abstract PDF
Subject index
- - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 224-224 Abstract PDF
Bioeconomic analysis of the effects of modifying the trawl extension piece with T90 netting
Iván Sola and Francesc Maynou - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 27-37 Abstract PDF
Reconstructing discards profiles of unreported catches
Francisco Leitão, Vânia Baptista and Karim Erzini

Supplementary Material

- 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 39-49 Abstract PDF
Exploring the effects of discarding using the Atlantis ecosystem model for Icelandic waters
Erla Sturludottir - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 51-62 Abstract PDF
Mitigating unwanted catches in the southern Iberian hake stock fisheries: Improving fishing technology vs market control policies
José-María Da-Rocha, Javier García-Cutrín and María-José Gutiérrez - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 63-74 Abstract PDF
Montserrat Demestre, Francesc Maynou, Gunnar Stefánsso and Claudio Viva - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 7-8 Abstract PDF
Bycatch and discard survival rate in a small-scale bivalve dredge fishery along the Algarve coast (southern Portugal)
Mariana Anjos, Fábio Pereira, Paulo Vasconcelos, Sandra Joaquim, Domitília Matias, Karim Erzini and Miguel Gaspar - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 75-90 Abstract PDF
Reducing discards in trammel net fisheries with simple modifications based on a guarding net and artificial light: contributing to marine biodiversity conservation
Pedro Martínez-Baños and Francesc Maynou

Supplementary Material

- 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 9-18 Abstract PDF
On the economic nature of consumers’ willingness to pay for a selective and sustainable fishery: A comparative empirical study
Laura Onofri, Paolo Accadia, Paloma Ubeda, Maria-José Gutiérrez, Evelina Sabatella and Francesc Maynou - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 91-96 Abstract PDF
Efficiency of shallow- and deep-water trawling in the Mediterranean and its implications for discard reduction
Dario Pinello, Jennifer Gee, Paolo Accadia, Evelina Carmen Sabatella, Sergio Vitale, Kostantinos Polymeros and Fabio Fiorentino - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 97-106 Abstract PDF

Hypoxia in deep waters of moderately eutrophic marine lakes, Island of Mljet, eastern Adriatic Sea

Enis Hrustić and Svjetlana Bobanović-Ćolić

Supplementary material - 2017

Sci. Mar. 81(4): 431-447 Abstract PDF
Antifouling efficacy of a controlled depletion paint formulation with acetophenone
Sangmok Jung, Mohandoss Sidharthan, Jihyun Lee, Hanjoo Lee, Jiyoung Jeon, Taehee Park, Junghyun Yoon, Jaehyuk Jeon and Hyunwoung Shin - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 449-456 Abstract PDF
Arnoglossus nigrofilamentosus n. sp., a new species of flounder (Teleostei: Bothidae) from off the Mediterranean coast of Israel, probably a new case of Lessepsian migration
Ronald Fricke, Daniel Golani and Brenda Appelbaum-Golani - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 457-465 Abstract PDF
Integrative taxonomy supports the presence of two species of Kyphosus (Perciformes: Kyphosidae) in Atlantic European waters
Rafael Bañón, David Barros-García and Alejandro de Carlos - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 467-475 Abstract PDF
Cyanobacterial community diversity in the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary in China
Fu-Lin Sun, You-Shao Wang, Mei-Lin Wu and Cui-Ci Sun - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 477-485 Abstract PDF
Variability patterns of epibenthic microalgae in eastern Tunisian coasts
Malika Moncer, Asma Hamza, Wafa Feki-Sahnoun, Lotfi Mabrouk and Malika Bel Hassen - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 487-498 Abstract PDF
Massive decline of Cystoseira abies-marina forests in Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic)
José Valdazo, M. Ascensión Viera-Rodríguez, Fernando Espino, Ricardo Haroun and Fernando Tuya

Supplementary material

- 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 499-507 Abstract PDF
An experimental approach to the ecophysiology of the interstitial polychaete Polygordius eschaturus (Annelida: Polygordiidae)
Lilia Pereira de Souza-Santos - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 509-515 Abstract PDF
Luis M. Lubián Chaichío (Cádiz, 1951-2017)
Ignacio Moreno-Garrido - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 517-518 Abstract PDF
Félix César Descalzo Gómez (Barcelona, 1960 - Zaragoza, 2017)
Rafel Simó - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(4): 519-520 Abstract PDF

Transport pathways of decapod larvae under intense mesoscale activity in the Canary-African coastal transition zone: implications for population connectivity

José M. Landeira, Timothée Brochier, Evan Mason, Fernando Lozano-Soldevilla, Santiago Hernández-León and Eric D. Barton

Supplementary material

- 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(3): 299-315 Abstract PDF
Spatial variability of nitrous oxide in the Minho and Lima estuaries (Portugal)
Célia Gonçalves and Maria José Brogueira - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(3): 317-326 Abstract PDF

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