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A visual assessment of the inshore fishes and fishery resources off El Hierro, Canary Islands: A baseline survey
Stephen A. Bortone, James Van Tassell, Alberto Brito, Jesús M. Falcón and Charles M. Bundrick - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(3): 529-541 Abstract PDF
Larval development of Lepidorhombus boscii (Risso, 1810) (Pleuronectiformes) in the Northwestern Mediterranean
Ana Sabatés - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(3): 543-546 Abstract PDF
Primera cita de Tremoctopus violaceus violaceus Delle Chiaje, 1830 (Octopoda: Tremoctopodidae) en aguas de Canarias
Fernando Lozano-Soldevilla - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(3): 547-549 Abstract PDF
Distribution of Cryphus vitreus (Born, 1778) (Brachiopoda) on transect P2 (Continental margin, French Mediterranean coast) investigated by submersible
Christian C. Emig and M.A. García-Carrascosa - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 385-388 Abstract PDF
Age and growth of the european eel, Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Aveiro Lagoon, Portugal
Leonel Serrano Gordo and Isabel María Jorge - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 389-395 Abstract PDF
Ciclo de maduración y puesta de la sardina española, Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842) (Clupeidae), en la zona pesquera de Talcahuano, Chile (1984-1985)
Javier Chong, Ciro Oyarzún, Eduardo Aguilera and Alberto Arrizaga - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 397-404 Abstract PDF
C/N ratio in response to nitrogen supply and light quality in Ulva rigida C. Agardh (Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae)
Alfonso Corzo and F. Xavier Niell - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 405-411 Abstract PDF
Taxonomía numérica de Nototheniidae en base a la forma de los otolitos
Antonio Lombarte, Jaime Rucabado, Jesús Matallanas and Domingo Lloris - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 413-418 Abstract PDF
Mesoscale coupling between spatial distribution of planktonic cnidarians and hydrographic features along the Galician Coast (Northwestern Iberian Peninsula)
J.M. Gili, F. Pagès and X. Fusté - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 419-426 Abstract PDF
Análisis de series de tiempo aplicado a la pesca del sistema camarón-pargo en golfo Triste, Venezuela
Ricardo Molinet, Marco Tulio Badaracco and Juan José Salaya - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 427-437 Abstract PDF
Structure and dynamics of the community of Rissoella verruculosa (Bertoloni) J. Agardh (Gigartinales, Rhodophyceae) in the northwestern Mediterranean
Enric Ballesteros - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 439-451 Abstract PDF
El glucógeno de las células de almacenamiento del mejillón, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819: Demostración histoquímica
Silvia Gimeno, M.C. Sarasquete and M.L. González de Canales - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 453-457 Abstract PDF
On three species of Mediterranean echinoderms
Víctor Alvà - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 459-462 Abstract PDF
New northern limit for the distribution of Sternoptyx pseudobscura Baird, 1971 (Pisces: Sternoptychidae) in the Atlantic
Javier Zamarro and Domingo Lloris - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(2): 463-466 Abstract PDF
Guide to Ichthyoplankton of the Southeast Atlantic (Benguela Current Region)
M. Pilar Olivar and José Manuel Fortuño - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(1): 1-383 Abstract PDF
Atlas de Fitoplancton del Mar Mediterráneo
Maximino Delgado and José Manuel Fortuño - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(Suppl.1): 1-133 Abstract PDF
The spreading of lessepsian fish migrants into the Aegean Sea (Greece)
Costas Papaconstantinou - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(4): 313-316 Abstract PDF
Effects of total fishing prohibition on the rocky fish assemblages of Medes Islands marine reserve (NW Mediterranean)
Antonio García-Rubies and Mikel Zabala - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(4): 317-328 Abstract PDF
Desarrollo larval y postlarval del langostino Pleoticus muelleri Bate, 1888 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Solenoceridae)
María I. Iorio, M. A. Scelzo and E.E. Boschi - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(4): 329-341 Abstract PDF
Coastal flow modification by submarine canyons along the NE Spanish coast
M. Masó, P.E. LaViolette and J. Tintoré - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(4): 343-348 Abstract PDF
Morphometric analysis of sharks of the genus Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816: C. limbatus (Valenciennes, 1841) and C. brevipinna (Müller and Henle, 1841) from Mexican waters
D.A. Siqueiros-Beltrones - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(4): 349-358 Abstract PDF
Elementos morfológicos en la zona litoral: ejemplos en el delta del Ebro
J. Guillén and J.I. Díaz - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(4): 359-373 Abstract PDF
The diet of Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sepia elegans (D'Orbigny, 1835) (Cephalopoda, Sepioidea) from the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)
B.G. Castro and A. Guerra - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(4): 375-388 Abstract PDF
Vertical distribution of diatoms and thecate dinoflagellates in the Gulf of Arauco: species composition, relative abundance, and the chlorophyll maximum layer
J.L. Iriarte and P. Bernal - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(4): 389-399 Abstract PDF
Structure and dynamics of the community of Cystoseira zosteroides (Turner) C. Agardh (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in the northwestern Mediterranean
E. Ballesteros - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(3): 217-229 Abstract PDF
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