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1626 - 1650 of about 3602 results
Seasonal patterns of wind-induced upwelling/downwelling in the Mediterranean Sea
Andrew Bakun and Vera Natalie Agostini - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(3): 243-257 Abstract PDF
Spawning of the chilean hake (Merluccius gayi) in the upwelling system off Talcahuano in relation to oceanographic features
C.A. Vargas and L.R. Castro - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 101-110 Abstract PDF
Fecundity and egg volume in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) from different depths in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea
M. Mori, M. Modena, and F. Biagi - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 111-116 Abstract PDF
Macrobenthic mollusc fauna inhabiting Halopteris spp. subtidal fronds in Sao Miguel Island, Azores
A.C.Costa and S.P. Avila - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 117-126 Abstract PDF
First data on ovary maturation and fecundity in the squid family Histioteuthidae
Vladimir Laptikhovsky - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 127-129 Abstract PDF
Aspects of the reproductive biology of the toadfish, Halobatrachus didactylus (Schneider, 1801) (Pisces: Batrachoididae)
José L. Palazón-Fernández, Alberto M. Arias and Carmen Sarasquete - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 131-138 Abstract PDF
Sexual reproduction of Nausithoe aurea (Scyphozoa, Coronatae). Gametogenesis, egg release, embryonic development, and gastrulation
André C. Morandini and Fábio L. da Silveira - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 139-149 Abstract PDF
Improved methods for generating and estimating turbulence in tanks suitable for fish larvae experiments
Jan Erik Stiansen and Svein Sundby - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 151-167 Abstract PDF
Preliminary estimate of spawning frequency and batch fecundity of Brazilian flathead, Percophis brasiliensis, in coastal waters off Buenos Aires Province
M.I. Militelli and G.J. Macchi - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 169-172 Abstract PDF
An indirect approach to estimate spawning fraction as applied to Sardinops sagax from northern Chile
G. Claramunt and R. Roa - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 87-94 Abstract PDF
Seasonal distribution and spawning of small tunas (Auxis rochei and Sarda sarda) in the Northwestern Mediterranean
A. Sabatés and L. Recasens - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(2): 95-100 Abstract PDF
Basin-scale changes of total organic carbon profiles in the eastern South Atlantic
X.A. Alvarez-Salgado, F.F. Pérez, A.F. Ríos and M.D. Doval - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 1-10 Abstract PDF
Total lipid in the broodstock diet did not affect fatty acid composition and quality of eggs of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)
J. Mª Navas, M. Thrush, S. Zanuy, J. Ramos, N. Bromage and M. Carrillo - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 11-19 Abstract PDF
Seasonal pattern of zooplankton biomass in the Argentinian shelf off Southern Patagonia (45º - 55º S)
M.E. Sabatini and G.L. Alvarez Colombo - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 21-31 Abstract PDF
Morphometric diversity of the pulmonate limpet Siphonaria lessoni in different coastal environments
Alejandro Tablado and Juan López Gappa - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 33-42 Abstract PDF
Melanonus zugmayeri Norman, 1930, captured off Portugal. A review of the current knowledge on this species
M. Henriques, A.G. Murta and H.N. Cabral - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 43-46 Abstract PDF
Descriptions of two new species of Eunice Cuvier, 1817 (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) from coastal islands of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil
J.M.M. Nogueira, T.M. Steiner and A.C.Z. Amaral - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 47-57 Abstract PDF
New records of Pennatulacea (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) from the African Atlantic coast, with description of a new species and a zoogeographic analysis
P.J. López-González, J.Mª Gili and G.C. Williams - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 59-74 Abstract PDF
Population size and exploitation of giant squid (Dosidicus gigas D'Orbigny, 1835) in the Gulf of California, Mexico
E. Morales-Bojórquez, A. Hernández-Herrera, M.O. Nevárez-Martínez, M.A. Cisneros-Mata and F.J. Guerrero-Escobedo - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 75-80 Abstract PDF
Species identification of two sympatric hakes by allozymic markers
M.I. Roldán and C. Pla - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(1): 81-84 Abstract PDF
J.M. Gili, J.L. Pretus and T.T. Packard - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 1-4 Abstract PDF
Marine benthic faunal successional stages and related sedimentary activity
Rutger Rosenberg - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 107-119 Abstract PDF
Delivery and fate of fluvial water and sediment to the sea: a marine geologist's view of European rivers
John D. Milliman - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 121-132 Abstract PDF
Gaia and the Mediterranean Sea
Kenneth J. Hsü - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 133-140 Abstract PDF
Sources and fates of silicon in the ocean: the role of diatoms in the climate and glacial cycles
R.C. Dugdale and F.P. Wilkerson - 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 141-152 Abstract PDF
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