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We have found 19 results
Spatial and seasonal variation of the gonad index of Diadema antillarum (Echinodermata:Echinoidea) in the Canary Islands
J.C. Hernández, A. Brito, N. García, M.C. Gil-Rodríguez, G. Herrera, A. Cruz-Reyes and J.M. Falcón. - 2006
Sci. Mar. 70(4): 689-698 Abstract PDF
Exploitation of tidal power in the Bay of Cadiz: ancient tidal mills
J.J. Alonso del Rosario, J.M. Vidal Pérez, J. Pérez Serrano and J.C. Mendoza Sánchez - 2006
Sci. Mar. 70(1): 21-30 Abstract PDF
Pulsing versus constant supply of nutrients (N, P and Si): effect on phytoplankton, mesozooplankton and vertical flux of biogenic matter
C. Svensen, J.C. Nejstgaard, J.K. Egge and P. Wassmann - 2002
Sci. Mar. 66(3): 189-203 Abstract PDF
The genus Paguristes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae) from Cuba (Western Atlantic). A new record and a new species
M.E. Manjón-Cabeza, J.E. García Raso and J.C. Martínez Iglesias - 2002
Sci. Mar. 66(2): 135-143 Abstract PDF
STATIS-CoA: A methodological solution to assess the spatio-temporal organization of species assemblages. Application to the demersal assemblages of the French Mediterranean Sea
J.C. Gaertner, J.A. Bertrand and A. Souplet - 2002
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2): 221-232 Abstract PDF
Two functionally different muscle fibre types in some salps?
Q. Bone, J.C. Braconnot and C. Carré - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(4): 331-340 Abstract PDF
A new species of Bathymedon Sars, 1892 (Amphipoda: Oedicerotidae) from the western Mediterranean bathyal floor
D. Jaume, J.E. Cartes and J.C. Sorbe - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(4): 341-356 Abstract PDF
On the heart and circulation in doliolids (Tunicata: Thaliacea)
Q. Bone, J.C. Braconnot and C. Carré - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(2): 189-194 Abstract PDF
Larval biology and benthic recruitment: New ideas on the role of egg-masses and modelling life-cycle regulation
M. Bhaud, J. Cha, J.C. Duchêne, D. Martin and C. Nozais - 1995
Sci. Mar. 59(Suppl.1): 103-117 Abstract PDF
Biology of the suprabenthic mysid Schistomysis spiritus (Norman, 1860) in the southeastern part of the Bay of Biscay
Carlos San Vicente and J.C. Sorbe - 1995
Sci. Mar. 59(Suppl.1): 71-86 Abstract PDF
Tectonics and paleoceanography in the northern sector of the Antarctic Peninsula: Preliminary results of HESANT 1992/93 cruise with the B/O HESPERIDES
A. Maldonado, F. Aldaya, J.C. Balanya, J. Galindo-Zaldivar, R.A. Livermore, F. Miguel-Monseñe, J. Rodríguez-Fernández, M. Roussanov, C. Sanz de Galdeano, E. Suriñach and C. Viseras - 1993
Sci. Mar. 57(1): 79-89 Abstract PDF
Quantitative sampling methodology of sediments in Bidasoa estuary
J.C., Sola, A. Urcelay, A. Miner and M. Ibáñez - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 585-589 Abstract PDF
Resultados preliminares sobre el valor nutritivo de nauplios de Artemia para larvas de crustáceos decápodos en cultivo
F. Amat, F. Hontoria, J.C. Navarro and M. Gozalbo - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51(1): 533-543 Abstract PDF
Hemoprotozoosis en una población de Blennius pholis (L., 1758) de las costas de Oporto (Portugal)
Mª C. Sarasquete and J.C. Eiras - 1985
Invest. Pesq. Vol.49: 627-635 Abstract PDF
Potencia calorífica disipada durante el metabolismo anaerobio de Serratia marinorubra IP75 en medios complejos
J. Bermúdez, J.C. Lorén and J. Wagensberg - 1984
Invest. Pesq. Vol.48: 3-10 Abstract PDF
A strategy for continuous multivariate analysis in Oceanography
Seminario sobre Análisis factorial en Ecología y Taxonomía. J.C. Kelley - 1972
Invest. Pesq. Vol.36: 175-178 Abstract PDF
Factor analysis in real time
Seminario sobre Análisis factorial en Ecología y Taxonomía. J.C. Kelley - 1972
Invest. Pesq. Vol.36: 179-182 Abstract PDF
Gross features of the Peruvian upwelling system with special reference to possible diel variation
John J. Walsh, J.C. Kelly, R.C. Dugdale and Bruce W. Frost - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 25-42 Abstract PDF
Sampling considerations in upwelling studies
J.C. Kelly - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 251-260 Abstract PDF
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