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We have found 11 results
Verónica Fuentes (1975-2021)
Jennifer E. Purcell and Josep-Maria Gili - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(1): 29-29 Abstract PDF
The benthos: the ocean’s last boundary?
Josep-Maria Gili, Begoña Vendrell-Simón, Wolf Arntz, Francesc Sabater and Joandomènec Ros - 2020
Sci. Mar. 84(4): 463-475 Abstract PDF
High spatial heterogeneity of two planktonic cnidarian species related to the variability of a shelf-slope front at short time scales
Elena Guerrero, Anna Marrodán, Ana Sabatés, Covadonga Orejas and Josep-Maria Gili - 2016
Sci. Mar. 80(4): 487-497 Abstract PDF

Spatial assessment of artisanal fisheries and their potential impact on the seabed: the Cap de Creus regional case study (northwestern Mediterranean Sea)
Ariadna Purroy, Susana Requena, Josep-Maria Gili, Antonio Canepa and Rafael Sardá - 2014
Sci. Mar. 78(4): 449-459 Abstract PDF

Transfer of seston lipids during a flagellate bloom from the surface to the benthic community in the Weddell Sea

Sergio Rossi, Enrique Isla, Alfredo Martínez-García, Núria Moraleda, Josep-María Gili, Antoni Rosell-Melé, Wolf E Arntz and Dieter Gerdes

Supplementary material

- 2013
Sci. Mar. 77(3): 397-407 Abstract PDF
Obituary: Francesc Pagès (1962-2007)
Josep-Maria Gili - 2007
Sci. Mar. 71(2): 413-414 Abstract PDF
The Antarctic-Magellan connection: macrobenthos ecology on the shelf and upper slope, a progress report
Wolf E. Arntz, Sven Thatje, Dieter Gerdes, Josep-Maria Gili, Julian Gutt, U. Jacob, Américo Montiel, Covadonga Orejas and Núria Teixidó - 2005
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2): 237-269 Abstract PDF
A "semi-closed" recirculating system for the in situ study of feeding and respiration of benthic suspension feeders
Marta Ribes, Rafel Coma, Josep-Maria Gili, Armin Svoboda, Agustí Julià and Jordi Parera - 2000
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1): 265-275 Abstract PDF
Message from the president of the Hydrozoan Society
Josep-Maria Gili - 1996
Sci. Mar. 60(1): 4-5 Abstract PDF
Planktonic Cnidarians of the Benguela Current: Station data
Francesc Pagès and Josep-Maria Gili - 1992
Sci. Mar. 56(Suppl.1): 113-144 Abstract PDF
Siphonophores (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the Benguela Current (southeastern Atlantic)
Francesc Pagès and Josep-Maria Gili - 1992
Sci. Mar. 56(Suppl.1): 65-112 Abstract PDF
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