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We have found 8 results
Improving codend selectivity in the fishery of the deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Giulia Gorelli, Joan B. Company, Nixon Bahamón and Francesc Sardà - 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(3): 381-386 Abstract PDF
Spatio-temporal variability of discards in the fishery of the deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: implications for management
Giulia Gorelli, Marta Blanco, Francesc Sardà, Marta Carretón and Joan B. Company - 2016
Sci. Mar. 80(1): 79-88 Abstract PDF
Dusk but not dawn burrow emergence rhythms of Nephrops norvegicus (Crustacea: Decapoda)
Valerio Sbragaglia, Jacopo Aguzzi, Jose Antonio García, Juan Jose Chiesa, Claudio Angelini and Francesc Sardà - 2013
Sci. Mar. 77(4): 641-647 Abstract PDF
Carles Bas i Peired
Francesc Sardà - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 425-428 Abstract PDF
Monochromatic blue light entrains diel activity cycles in the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.) as measured by automated video-image analysis
Jacopo Aguzzi, Corrado Costa, Paolo Menesatti, José Antonio García, Juan José Chiesa and Francesc Sardà - 2009
Sci. Mar. 73(4): 773-783 Abstract PDF
The use of a square mesh codend and sorting grids to reduce catches of young fish and improve sustainability in a multispecies bottom trawl fishery in the Mediterranean
Francisco Sardà, Nixon Bahamon, Balbina Molí and Francesc Sardà-Palomera - 2006
Sci. Mar. 70(3): 347-353 Abstract PDF
Preservation of juvenile hake (Merluccius merluccius L) in the western Mediterranean demersal trawl fishery by using sorting grids
Francesc Sardà, Balbina Molí and Isabel Palomera - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(3): 435-444 Abstract PDF
An introduction to Mediterranean deep-sea biology
Francesc Sardà, Antoni Calafat, Mar Flexas, Anastasios Tselepides, Miquel Canals, Manuel Espino and Angelo Tursi - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.3): 7-38 Abstract PDF
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