between years
We have found 9 results
Reproductive traits exhibited by the paedomorphic gobies exploited in the Majorcan transparent goby fishery (western Mediterranean) and their management implications
Inma Riera-Batle
Enrique Massutí-Pascual
Elena Pastor Gracia
Antonio María Grau Jofre
Amalia Grau Jofre
- 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(1): 54-54
Validating the growth increment periodicity in the otoliths of three small progenetic gobies
Sílvia Pérez-Mayol
Itziar Álvarez
Inmmaculada Riera-Batle
Amalia Grau
Beatriz Morales-Nin
- 2021
Sci. Mar. 85(3): 169-173
Commercial catches and discards of a Mediterranean small-scale cuttlefish fishery: implications of the new EU discard policy
Maria del Mar Gil
Gaetano Catanese
Miquel Palmer
Hilmar Hinz
Elena Pastor
Antoni Mira
Amalia Grau
Elka Koleva
Antoni Maria Grau
Beatriz Morales-Nin
- 2018
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 155-164
Comparing tagging strategies: Effects of tags on retention rate, mortality rate and growth inhatchery-reared juvenile meagre,
Argyrosomus regius
(Pisces: Sciaenidae)
María del Mar Gil
Miquel Palmer
Amalia Grau
Enrique Massutí
Elena Pastor
- 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(2): 171-178
Rearing diet may determine fish restocking success: a case study of hatchery-reared juvenile meagre,
Argyrosomus regius
María del Mar Gil
Miquel Palmer
María Dolores Hernández
Amalia Grau
Juana Durán
Benjamín García García
Miguel Jover
Elena Pastor
- 2015
Sci. Mar. 79(4): 431-441
Reproductive strategy and fecundity of meagre
Argyrosomus regius
Asso, 1801 (Pisces: Sciaenidae): implications for restocking programs
María del Mar Gil
Amalia Grau
Gualtiero Basilone
Rosalia Ferreri
Miguel Palmer
- 2013
Sci. Mar. 77(1): 105-118
The use of energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to detect strontium marks in fish otoliths
Beatriz Morales-Nin
José-Manuel Fortuño
Sílvia Pérez-Mayol
Amalia Grau
- 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(1): 173-176
Reproductive pattern of an exploited dusky grouper
Epinephelus marginatus
(Lowe 1834) (Pisces: Serranidae) population in the western Mediterranean
Olga Reñones
Amalia Grau
Xavier Mas
Francesc Riera
Fran Saborido-Rey
- 2010
Sci. Mar. 74(3): 523-537
Reproductive biology of the vulnerable species
Sciaena umbra
Linnaeus, 1758 (Pisces: Sciaenidae)
Amàlia Grau
Marta Linde
Antoni Mª Grau
- 2009
Sci. Mar. 73(1): 67-81
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