between years
We have found 19 results
Decapod crustacean assemblages on trawlable grounds in the northern Alboran Sea and Gulf of Vera
Cristina Ciércoles
Cristina García-Ruíz
Pere Abelló
Manuel Hidalgo
Pedro Torres
María González
Ángel Mateo-Ramírez
José Luis Rueda
- 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(3): 39-39
Effects on faunistic composition and population characteristics of decapod crustaceans after the implementation of a fisheries no-take area in the NW Mediterranean
Andrea Padilla
Laura Recasens
Marc Balcells
Ulla Fernández de Arcaya
Pere Abelló
- 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(2): 35-35
Updating changes in the Iberian decapod crustacean fauna (excluding crabs) after 50 years
J. Enrique García Raso
Jose A. Cuesta
Pere Abelló
Enrique Macpherson
- 2018
Sci. Mar. 82(4): 207-229
Cervantes Ruiz de la Torre, E. (ed.). 2015. Naturalistas en debate.
Pere Abelló
- 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(2): 291-291
Sexual dimorphism and associated population characteristics in the benthopelagic shrimp
Pasiphaea sivado
(Crustacea: Caridea: Pasiphaeidae)
Daniela Silveira Simão
José Luís Pérez Gil
Pere Abelló
- 2017
Sci. Mar. 81(1): 57-66
Pasiphaeid shrimps in the western Mediterranean: geographical variability in distribution and population patterns
Daniela S. Simão
Emilia Zas
Aina Carbonell
Pere Abelló
- 2015
Sci. Mar. 79(2): 199-209
Annotated checklist of brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Iberian Peninsula (SW Europe)
Elena Marco-Herrero
Pere Abelló
Pilar Drake
Jose Enrique García-Raso
Juan Ignacio González-Gordillo
Guillermo Guerao
Ferran Palero
Jose A. Cuesta
- 2015
Sci. Mar. 79(2): 243-256
Enrique Macpherson Mayol (Biography)
M. Pilar Olivar
Pere Abelló
- 2013
Sci. Mar. 77(1): 9-12
First record and evidence of an established population of the North American mud crab
Dyspanopeus sayi
(Brachyura: Heterotremata: Panopeidae) in the western Mediterranean
Christoph D. Schubart
Guillermo Guerao
Pere Abelló
- 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(1): 79-85
Faunistic assemblages of a sublittoral coarse sand habitat of the northwestern Mediterranean
Eva Pubill
Pere Abelló
Montserrat Ramón
Marc Baeta
- 2011
Sci. Mar. 75(1): 189-196
Geographic, bathymetric and inter-annual variability in the distribution of
Liocarcinus depurator
(Brachyura: Portunidae) along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian peninsula
Marta M. Rufino
Pere Abelló
Andrew B. Yule
Pedro Torres
- 2005
Sci. Mar. 69(4): 503-518
Temporal modification in cardiac rhythmicity of
Nephrops norvegicus
(Crustacea: Decapoda) in relation to trawl capture stress
Jacopo Aguzzi
Juan Chiesa
Pere Abelló
Antoni Diez-Noguera
- 2005
Sci. Mar. 69(3): 369-374
Geographical patterns of seabird attendance to a research trawler along the Iberian Mediterranean coast
Pere Abelló
José Manuel Arcos
Luis Gil de Sola
- 2003
Sci. Mar. 67(Suppl.2): 69-75
Settlement and juvenile habitat of the European spiny lobster
Palinurus elephas
(Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinuridae) in the western Mediterranean Sea
David Díaz
Marc Marí
Pere Abelló
Montserrat Demestre
- 2001
Sci. Mar. 65(4): 347-356
Growth and distribution of
Solenocera membranacea
(Risso, 1816) (Decapoda: Dendrobranchiata) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Montserrat Demestre
Pere Abelló
- 1993
Sci. Mar. 57(2-3): 161-166
Domicola lithodesi
n. gen. n. sp. (Amphipoda: Calliopiidae), inhabitant of the pleonal cavity of a South African lithodid crab
Joan Lluís Pretus
Pere Abelló
- 1993
Sci. Mar. 57(1): 41-49
Behavioural responses of
Carcinus mediterraneus
Czerniavsky, 1884 to changes in salinity
Clifford G. Warman
Pere Abelló
Ernest Naylor
- 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(4): 637-643
Sexual size dimorphism, relative growth and handedness in
Liocarcinus depurator
Macropipus tuberculatus
(Brachyura: Portunidae)
Pere Abelló
Juan P. Pertierra
David G. Reid
- 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(2): 195-202
Reproduction and moulting in
Liocarcinus depurator
(Linnaeus, 1758) (Brachyura: Portunidae) in the Northwestern Mediterranean sea
Pere Abelló
- 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(1): 127-134
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