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We have found 5 results
Decapod crustacean assemblages on trawlable grounds in the northern Alboran Sea and Gulf of Vera
Cristina Ciércoles, Cristina García-Ruíz, Pere Abelló, Manuel Hidalgo, Pedro Torres, María González, Ángel Mateo-Ramírez and José Luis Rueda - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(3): 39-39 Abstract PDF
Spatio-temporal patterns of macrourid fish species in the northern Mediterranean Sea
Cristina García-Ruiz, Manuel Hidalgo, Paolo Carpentieri, Ulla Fernandez-Arcaya, Palma Gaudio, María González, Angelique Jadaud, Antonello Mulas, Panagiota Peristeraki, José Luis Rueda, Sergio Vitale and Gianfranco D’Onghia

Supplementary material

- 2019
Sci. Mar. 83S1: 117-127 Abstract PDF
Size-dependent survival of European hake juveniles in the Mediterranean Sea
Manuel Hidalgo, Alessandro Ligas, José María Bellido, Isabella Bitetto, Pierluiggi Carbonara, Roberto Carlucci, Beatriz Guijarro, Angelique Jadaud, Giuseppe Lembo, Chiara Manfredi, Antonio Esteban, Germana Garofalo, Zdravko Ikica, Cristina García, Luis Gil de Sola, Stefanos Kavadas, Irida Maina, Letizia Sion, Stefania Vittori and Nedo Vrgoc

Supplementary material

- 2019
Sci. Mar. 83S1: 207-221 Abstract PDF
Spatial distribution pattern of European hake, Merluccius merluccius (Pisces: Merlucciidae), in the Mediterranean Sea
Letizia Sion, Walter Zupa, Crescenza Calculli, Germana Garofalo, Manuel Hidalgo, Angélique Jadaud, Evgenia Lefkaditou, Alessandro Ligas, Panagiota Peristeraki, Isabella Bitetto, Francesca Capezzuto, Roberto Carlucci, Antonio Esteban, Cristina Follesa, Beatriz Guijarro, Zdravko Ikica, Igor Isajlovic, Giuseppe Lembo, Chiara Manfredi, José Luis Pérez, Cristina Porcu, Ioannis Thasitis, George Tserpes and Pierluigi Carbonara - 2019
Sci. Mar. 83S1: 21-32 Abstract PDF
Elasmobranch spatial segregation in the western Mediterranean
Adam Gouraguine, Manuel Hidalgo, Joan Moranta, David M. Bailey, Francesc Ordines, Beatriz Guijarro, María Valls, Carmen Barberá and Aina De Mesa - 2011
Sci. Mar. 75(4): 653-664 Abstract PDF
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