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We have found 8 results
Manuel Varela Rodríguez (Malpica, 1954 – Caión, 2019)
Ricardo Prego, Antonio Bode and Roberto Bao - 2020
Sci. Mar. 84(1): 103-104 Abstract PDF
Reconstruction of trophic pathways between plankton and the North Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) using stable isotopes
Antonio Bode, M.T. Alvarez-Ossorio, P. Carrera and J. Lorenzo - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(1): 165-178 Abstract PDF
Succession of phytoplankton assemblages in relation to the hydrography in the southern Bay of Biscay: A multivariate approach
Emilio Fernández and Antonio Bode - 1994
Sci. Mar. 58(3): 191-205 Abstract PDF
Planktonic carbon and nitrogen budgets for the N-NW Spanish shelf: The role of pelagic nutrient regeneration during upwelling events
Antonio Bode and Manuel Varela - 1994
Sci. Mar. 58(3): 221-231 Abstract PDF
Size-fractionated primary productivity and biomass in the Galician shelf (NW Spain): Netplankton versus nanoplankton dominance
Antonio Bode, Benita Casas and Manuel Varela - 1994
Sci. Mar. 58(1-2): 131-141 Abstract PDF
Estimating the photosynthetic and detrital fractions of seston: A comparison of methods. Working Group 5 Report
Antonio Bode, Félix L. Figueroa and Javier Ruiz - 1994
Sci. Mar. 58(1-2): 59-65 Abstract PDF
Seasonal patterns of primary production in the Central Cantabrian Sea (Bay of Biscay)
Emilio Fernández and Antonio Bode - 1991
Sci. Mar. 55(4): 629-636 Abstract PDF
Water masses off the Central Cantabrian Coast
José A. Botas, Emilio Fernández, Antonio Bode and Ricardo Anadón - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(4): 755-761 Abstract PDF
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