From field experiments to salinity products: a tribute to the contributions of Jordi Font to the SMOS mission |
Adriano Camps, Carolina Gabarró, Mercè Vall-llossera, Sebastià Blanch, Albert Aguasca, Francesc Torres, Ignasi Corbella, Nuria Duffo, Antonio Turiel, Marcos Portabella, Joaquim Ballabrera-Poy, Verónica González-Gambau, Justino Martínez, Ramón Villarino, Luís Enrique, Alessandra Monerris, Xavier Bosch, Roberto Sabia, Marco Talone, Maria Piles, Míriam Pablos and Enric Valencia - 2016 |
Sci. Mar. 80S1: 159-172 |