Distribution and spatio-temporal biomass trends of red mullets across the Mediterranean |
George Tserpes, Enric Massutí, Fabio Fiorentino, Maria Teresa Facchini, Claudio Viva, Angélique Jadaud, Aleksandar Joksimovic, Paola Pesci, Corrado Piccinetti, Letizia Sion, Ioannis Thasitis and Nedo Vrgoc Supplementary material - 2019 |
Sci. Mar. 83S1: 43-55 |
Reducing unwanted catches of trammel nets: experimental results of the “guarding net” in the caramote prawn, Penaeus kerathurus, small-scale fishery of the Ligurian Sea (western Mediterranean) |
Paolo Sartor, Daniel Li Veli, Francesco De Carlo, Alessandro Ligas, Andrea Massaro, Claudia Musumeci, Marina Sartini, Ilaria Rossetti, Mario Sbrana and Claudio Viva Supplementary Material - 2018 |
Sci. Mar. 82S1: 131-140 |