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We have found 6 results
Growth of Mediterranean young-of-the-year bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus (Scombridae): regional differences and hatching periods
Ana Gordoa, Igaratza Fraile, Haritz Arrizabalaga and Nuria Raventós - 2021
Sci. Mar. 85(2): 61-69 Abstract PDF
Free-diving underwater fish photography contests: a complementary tool for assessing littoral fish communities
Ana Gordoa, Jordi Boada, Antoni García-Rubies and Oscar Sagué - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82(2): 95-106 Abstract PDF
The Barcelona agreement: a manifesto towards the spearfishing of the future
Valerio Sbragaglia, Oscar Sagué Pla, Ana Gordoa, Sergi Pérez Hernández, Lydia Chaparro Elias, Mauricio Pulido, Roberto Terol Ruiz and Vincent Giroud - 2016
Sci. Mar. 80(3): 423-426 Abstract PDF
First attempt to assess the viability of bluefin tuna spawning events in offshore cages located in an a priori favourable larval habitat
Patricia Reglero, Rosa Balbín, Aurelio Ortega, Diego Alvarez-Berastegui, Ana Gordoa, Asvin P. Torres, Vicenç Moltó, Ananda Pascual, Fernando De la Gándara and Francisco Alemany - 2013
Sci. Mar. 77(4): 585-594 Abstract PDF
Spatio-temporal patterns in the north-western Mediterranean from MERIS derived chlorophyll a concentration
Ana Gordoa, Xenia Illas, Antonio Cruzado and Zoila Velásquez - 2008
Sci. Mar. 72(4): 757-767 Abstract PDF
Dynamics of the Namibian hake fleet and management connotations: application of the ideal free distribution
Elizabeth Voges, Ana Gordoa and John G. Field - 2005
Sci. Mar. 69(2): 285-293 Abstract PDF
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