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The publications of Ramon Margalef in Investigación Pesquera and Scientia Marina: The beginnings of marine ecology in the CSIC
Marta Estrada and Miquel Alcaraz - 2020
Sci. Mar. 84(4): 445-461 Abstract PDF

Size fractionation, chemotaxonomic groups and bio-optical properties of phytoplankton along a transect from the Mediterranean Sea to the SW Atlantic Ocean

Sdena Nunes, Gonzalo Luís Perez, Mikel Latasa, Marina Zamanillo, Maximino Delgado, Eva Ortega-Retuerta, Celia Marrasé, Rafel Simó and Marta Estrada

Supplementary material

- 2019
Sci. Mar. 83(2): 87-109 Abstract PDF

Coastal oceanographic signatures of heat waves and extreme events of dense water formation during the period 2002-2012 (Barcelona, NW Mediterranean)

Jorge Guillén, Laura Arin, Jordi Salat, Pere Puig, Marta Estrada, Albert Palanques, Gonzalo Simarro and Josep Pascual - 2018
Sci. Mar. 82(4): 189-206 Abstract PDF
Parameter constraints of grazing response functions. Implications for phytoplankton bloom initiation
Jordi Solé, Emilio García-Ladona, Jaume Piera and Marta Estrada - 2016
Sci. Mar. 80S1: 129-137 Abstract PDF
Seasonal patterns in phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters and primary production at a coastal NW Mediterranean site
Josep M. Gasol, Clara Cardelús, Xosé Anxelu G. Morán, Vanessa Balagué, Irene Forn, Cèlia Marrasé, Ramon Massana, Carlos Pedrós-Alió, M. Montserrat Sala, Rafel Simó, Dolors Vaqué and Marta Estrada - 2016
Sci. Mar. 80S1: 63-77 Abstract PDF
Morphological adaptations to small size in the marine diatom Minidiscus comicus
David Jewson, Akira Kuwata, Lluïsa Cros, José-Manuel Fortuño and Marta Estrada - 2016
Sci. Mar. 80S1: 89-96 Abstract PDF
Elemental composition of coccoliths: Mg/Ca relationships
Lluïsa Cros, José-Manuel Fortuño and Marta Estrada - 2013
Sci. Mar. 77S1: 63-67 Abstract PDF
Marta Estrada and Dolors Vaqué - 2011
Sci. Mar. 75(2): 215-215 Abstract PDF
Banse, K. and S.A. Piontkovsky (eds.). The mesoscale structure of the epipelagic ecosystem of the open Northern Arabian Sea
Marta Estrada - 2006
Sci. Mar. 70(4): 769-770 Abstract PDF
Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Karlodinium sp. (cultured at different N/P ratios) on micro and mesozooplankton
Dolors Vaqué, Jordi Felipe, M. Montserrat Sala, Albert Calbet, Marta Estrada and Miquel Alcaraz - 2006
Sci. Mar. 70(1): 59-65 Abstract PDF
Evidence for enhanced primary production resulting from relative vorticity induced upwelling in the Catalan Current
Timothy C. Granata, Marta Estrada, Ulrike Zika and Carolyn Merry - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.1): 113-119 Abstract PDF
Picarola margalefii, gen. et sp. nov., a new planktonic coccolithophore from NW Mediterranean waters
Lluïsa Cros and Marta Estrada - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.1): 243-248 Abstract PDF
Modeling physiological processes in plankton on enzyme kinetic principles
Ted Packard, Dolors Blasco and Marta Estrada - 2004
Sci. Mar. 68(Suppl.1): 49-56 Abstract PDF
Phytoplankton in a turbulent world
Marta Estrada and Elisa Berdalet - 1997
Sci. Mar. 61(Suppl.1): 125-140 Abstract PDF
Primary production in the northwestern Mediterranean
Marta Estrada - 1996
Sci. Mar. 60(Suppl.2): 55-64 Abstract PDF
CO2 system in a Mediterranean frontal zone
Olga Delgado and Marta Estrada - 1994
Sci. Mar. 58(3): 237-250 Abstract PDF
Development of a toxic Alexandrium minutum Halim (Dinophyceae) bloom in the harbour of Sant Carles de la Ràpita (Ebro Delta, northwestern Mediterranean)
Maximino Delgado, Marta Estrada, Jordi Camp, Juan V. Fernández, Mercedes Santmartí and Cristina Lletí - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(1): 1-7 Abstract PDF
Phytoplankton assemblages of deep and surface water layers in a Mediterranean frontal zone
Marta Estrada and Jordi Salat - 1989
Sci. Mar. 53(2-3): 203-214 Abstract PDF
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