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Zoogeographical relationships of the littoral ascidiofauna at the Antarctic Peninsula, in the Scotia Arc and in the Magellan region
A. A. Ramos-Esplá, J. Cárcel and M. Varela - 2005
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2): 215-223 Abstract PDF
Variations in planktonic bacterial biomass and production and phytoplankton blooms off A Coruña (NW Spain)
J. Valencia, J. Abalde, A. Bode, A. Cid, E. Fernández, N. González, J. Lorenzo, E. Teira and M. Varela - 2003
Sci. Mar. 67(2): 143-157 Abstract PDF
Primary production and phytoplankton in three Galician Rias Altas (NW Spain): seasonal and spatial variability
A. Bode and M. Varela - 1998
Sci. Mar. 62(4): 319-330 Abstract PDF
The size structure and functional composition of ultraplankton and nanoplankton at a frontal station in the Alboran Sea. Working Groups 2 and 3 Report
C.M. García, F. Jiménez-Gómez, J. Rodríguez, B. Bautista, M. Estrada, J. García Braun, J.M. Gasol, F. Gómez Figueiras, F. Guerrero, F. Jiménez Montes, W.K.W. Li, J.M. López Díaz, G. Santiago and M. Varela - 1994
Sci. Mar. 58(1-2): 43-52 Abstract PDF
A precise ultrastructural quantification in Prorocentrum micans Ehremberg (Dinophyceae) by stereology
E. Costas, J.L. Fernández, P. Piqueras and M. Varela - 1988
Invest. Pesq. Vol.52: 37-45 Abstract PDF
Cambios de la ultraestructura nuclear durante el ciclo celular de Prorocentrum triestinum Schiller, 1918 (Dinophyceae)
E. Costas, E. Suárez, R. Bao, C. Alvarez and M. Varela - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51: 459-466 Abstract PDF
Cambios de la ultraestructura nuclear durante el ciclo celular de Prorocentrum triestinum Schiller, 1918 (Dinophyceae)
E. Costas, E. Suárez, R. Bao, C. Álvarez and M. Varela - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51: 549-548 Abstract PDF
Cambios ultraestructurales en el dinoflagelado tóxico Gonyaulax tamarensis Lebour, 1925 (Dinophyceae) con el envejecimiento
E. Costas, P. Piqueras and M. Varela - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51: 569-580 Abstract PDF
Distribución del tamaño de las especies del fitoplancton en un área de afloramiento
M. Varela and E. Costas - 1987
Invest. Pesq. Vol.51: 97-105 Abstract PDF
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