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We have found 12 results
Thirty years of research and development of Lagrangian buoys at the Institute of Marine Sciences
Emilio García-Ladona, Joaquim Salvador, Pere Fernandez, Josep L. Pelegrí, Pedro Elósegui, Oriol Sánchez, Jose Antonio Jiménez Madrid, Fernando Pérez, Joaquim Ballabrera, Jordi Isern-Fontanet, Jordi Salat and Jordi Font - 2016
Sci. Mar. 80S1: 141-158 Abstract PDF
Jordi Font and Dolors Vaqué - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76(3): 423-423 Abstract PDF
Crucial times for Spanish physical oceanography
Josep L. Pelegrí, Enrique Álvarez-Fanjul, Manuel Espino, Jordi Font, Gregorio Parrilla and Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76S1: 11-28 Abstract PDF
A new space technology for ocean observation: the SMOS mission
Jordi Font, Joaquim Ballabrera-Poy, Adriano Camps, Ignasi Corbella, Núria Duffo, Israel Duran, Mikhail Emelianov, Luis Enrique, Pere Fernández, Carolina Gabarró, Cristina González, Verónica González, Jérôme Gourrion, Sébastien Guimbard, Nina Hoareau, Agustí Julià, Sofia Kalaroni, Anna Konstantinidou, Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta, Justino Martínez, Jorge Miranda, Alessandra Monerris, Sergio Montero, Baptiste Mourre, Miriam Pablos, Fernando Pérez, Maria Piles, Marcos Portabella, Roberto Sabia, Joaquín Salvador, Marco Talone, Francesc Torres, Antonio Turiel, Mercè Vall-Llossera and Ramón Villarino - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76S1: 249-259 Abstract PDF
Manuel Espino, Jordi Font, Josep Lluís Pelegrí and Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76S1: 271-276 Abstract PDF
Manuel Espino, Jordi Font, Josep L. Pelegrí and Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla - 2012
Sci. Mar. 76S1: 9-10 Abstract PDF
Jordi Font and Francesc Peters - 2011
Sci. Mar. 75(3): 423-423 Abstract PDF
The use of a semi-empirical emissivity model for a rough estimation of sea surface salinity from an airborne microwave radiometer
Carolina Gabarró, Jordi Font, Jerry Miller, Adriano Camps, Derek Burrage, Joe Wesson and Alberto R. Piola - 2008
Sci. Mar. 72(2): 329-336 Abstract PDF
Sequence of hydrographic changes in NW Mediterranean deep water due to the exceptional winter of 2005
Jordi Font, Pere Puig, Jordi Salat, Albert Palanques and Mikhail Emelianov - 2007
Sci. Mar. 71(2): 339-346 Abstract PDF
Estimation of heading gyrocompass error using a GPS 3DF system: Impact on ADCP measurements
Simón Ruiz, Jordi Font, G. Griffiths and A. Castellón - 2002
Sci. Mar. 66(4): 347-354 Abstract PDF
Sea surface mesoscale structures imaged by the synthetic aperture radar
Antonio Martínez, Jordi Font, Victoriano Moreno and Emili García - 1992
Sci. Mar. 56(4): 357-366 Abstract PDF
The Liguro-Provençal-Catalan current (NW Mediterranean) observed by Doppler profiling in the Balearic Sea
Arturo Castellón, Jordi Font and Emili García - 1990
Sci. Mar. 54(3): 269-276 Abstract PDF
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