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The general specifications of the MEDITS surveys
J.A. Bertrand, L. Gil de Sola, C. Papaconstantinou, G. Relini and A. Souplet.

An international bottom trawl survey was designed from a European Commission´s initiative to produce biological data on the demersal resources in the Mediterranean Sea. Nine Mediterranean countries are associated in the programme, which covers all the trawlable areas along their coasts from 10 to 800 m depth. From 1994 to 2000, one survey was carried out each year, applying common standardized protocols. Seven yearly surveys have therefore been done, with a total of 7,500 stations prospected. This paper presents the methods adopted to carry out the surveys.

Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 9-17 Back PDF
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