Monthly landings and effort data from the Barcelona trawl fleet (NW Mediterranean) were selected to analyse and standardize the landings per unit effort (LPUE) of the red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) using generalized additive models. The dataset covers a span of 15 years (1994-2008) and consists of a broad spectrum of predictors: fleet-dependent (e.g. number of trips performed by vessels and their technical characteristics, such as the gross registered tonnage), temporal (inter- and intra-annual variability), environmental (North Atlantic Oscillation [NAO] index) and economic (red shrimp and fuel prices) variables. All predictors individually have an impact on LPUE, though some of them lose their predictive power when considered jointly. That is the case of the NAO index. Our results show that six variables from the whole set can be incorporated into a global model with a total explained deviance (ED) of 43%. We found that the most important variables were effort-related predictors (trips, tonnage, and groups) with a total ED of 20.58%, followed by temporal variables, with an ED of 13.12%, and finally the red shrimp price as an economic predictor with an ED of 9.30%. Taken individually, the main contributing variable was the inter-annual variability (ED=12.40%). This high ED value suggests that many factors correlated with inter-annual variability, such as environmental factors (the NAO in specific years) and fuel price, could in turn affect LPUE variability. The standardized LPUE index with the effort variability removed was found to be similar to the fishery-independent abundance index derived from the MEDITS programme.