Parasites as biological tags for stock identification of blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo, in Portuguese northeast Atlantic waters |
Margarida Hermida, Cristina Cruz and Aurélia Saraiva |
In this study the following parasites were selected as biological tags for the identification of blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) stocks in the northeast Atlantic: Diphterostomum vividum (Digenea: Zoogonidae), Anisakis simplex s.l., A. physeteris, Anisakis sp. PB-2010 (Nematoda: Anisakidae), and Bolbosoma sp. (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae). These parasite species point to the existence of three blackspot seabream stocks in the northeast Atlantic: one in the Azores region (ICES Area X), one in continental Portuguese shelf/slope waters (ICES Area IXa), and one in the waters around Madeira (sub-area 1.2 of FAO 34, central-eastern Atlantic). |
Keywords: parasites, biological tags, populations, stocks, northeast Atlantic, blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo |
Sci. Mar. 77(4) : 607-615 |