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Optimization of beach profile spacing: an applicable tool for coastal monitoring
Juan José Muñoz-Perez, Andrés Payo, Jorge Roman-Sierra, Marina Navarro and Luís Moreno

This paper presents a simplified and straightforward method for determining optimal beach profile spacing from an economic point of view with an admissible error. This error can be computed theoretically by comparing different profile spacings from two consecutive bathymetries. When a beach sediment budget (from previous monitoring surveys) or the volume density of a beach nourishment project is known, a virtual bathymetry can be designed; therefore, a unique real bathymetry would be needed. The method is applied and analysed for beaches with different characteristics regarding tide, energy, morphology and natural features. The results indicate that the estimated errors are proportional to a beach heterogeneity factor, depending on each particular beach case, such that large spacings do not necessarily induce large errors. In our case, profile spacings of 100 m induce average errors of less than 5%. Moreover, differences in tidal range and the existence of rocky reefs do not seem to affect the results.

Keywords: beach monitoring, beach profile spacing, volume error, erosion rate, beach nourishment, topographic surveying
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 76(4) : 791-798 Back PDF
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