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Contrasting effects of protection from harvesting in populations of two limpet species in a recently established marine protected area
Cataisa López, Ainoa Poladura, José Carlos Hernández, Laura Martín, Laura Concepción, Carlos Sangil and Sabrina Clemente

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of protection from extractive activities on the population structure of two limpets of commercial interest, Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella candei crenata. We evaluated the status of these populations in La Palma Marine Protected Area (MPA), Canary Islands, and in comparable unprotected areas in the lower intertidal zone of the same island. We showed that the density of P. ulyssiponensis depended greatly on the level of protection, whereas the effects of protection on the density of P. candei crenata were less clear and only differences between sites were found. These results are probably linked to the different habitat affinities of the two species studied and demonstrate the need to tailor conservation strategies in MPAs to individual species for appropriate management of local shellfish resources.

Keywords: marine protected area, shellfishing, intertidal habitat, Patella ulyssiponensis, Patella candei crenata, Canary Islands
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 76(4) : 799-807 Back PDF
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