Inter- and intra-annual trends and status indicators of nektobenthic elasmobranchs off the Balearic Islands (northwestern Mediterranean) |
Beatriz Guijarro, Antoni Quetglas, Joan Moranta, Francesc Ordines, Maria Valls, Natalia González and Enric Massutí |
We assessed the elasmobranch communities exploited by the bottom trawl fishery off the Balearic Islands (northwestern Mediterranean) by analysing two time series containing information with different levels of detail: 1) a long-term series containing the abundance indices of the whole elasmobranch community landed from 1965 to 2009; and 2) a shorter time series from 2000 to 2009 from two different data sources (daily sales records: 2000-2009; bottom trawl surveys: 2001-2009), with information that allowed the shelf and slope to be analysed separately and different community parameters and abundance indices to be studied. Temporal trends of all these variables were used as ecological status indicators and tested with generalized additive models and analysis of variance. They were finally summarised using the Traffic Light methodology. The long-term series showed two marked trends, an inter-annual decreasing trend that would be a consequence of the large increase in fishing effort, and an intra-annual trend with a clear peak in May in accordance with the seasonal biological cycle of these species. However, data from the last ten years revealed differences between the shelf and slope, as some parameters increased significantly over time on the shelf but did not follow any trend on the slope. The Traffic Light methodology captured these differences well, demonstrating its usefulness for interpreting ecological transitions at a glance.
Keywords: elasmobranchs, assessment, Traffic Light method, indicators, fishing effort, Balearic Islands |