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Topographic enhancement of long waves generated by an idealized moving pressure system
Alejandro Orfila Salvador Balle and Gonzalo Simarro

We studied the influence of the topography on the oceanic response to a traveling atmospheric disturbance and the relevance of its propagation direction on the generation of seiche oscillations. A primitive equation ocean model was used to analyze the response of two harbors located in insular systems to a pressure disturbance. The spectral component at the frequency of fundamental harbor resonance was determined from these data for different propagation directions of the incoming atmospheric disturbance. A conceptual model of interferences of resonantly generated ocean waves was introduced in order to explain energy maxima obtained by the numerical model close to the most affected areas.

Keywords: meteotsunami, long wave, rissaga
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 75(3) : 595-603 Back PDF
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