Survival of fish after escape from a 40 mm stretched diamond mesh trawl codend in the Aegean Sea |
Faik Ozan Düzbastılar, Celalettin Aydın, Gülnur Metin, Altan Lök, Ali Ulaş, Aytaç Özgül, Benal Gül, Cengiz Metin, Hüseyin Özbilgin, Tuğçe Şensurat and Adnan Tokaç |
This study aimed to determine the survival rates of three fish species, the brown comber (Serranus hepatus), black goby (Gobius niger) and annular seabream (Diplodus annularis), after their escape from a 40 mm stretched diamond mesh polyethylene (PE) codend. Experiments were carried out in the eastern Mediterranean in September 2007 using a conventional bottom trawl with 600 meshes around the mouth. A constant 15 min towing duration was used for all hauls. The towing speed varied between 2.0 and 2.5 knots. Codend covers, supported by two hoops, were used to retain escaping fish. At the end of each haul, these covers were detached from the codend, fixed to the sea floor at depths of 19 to 28 m, and then observed by the divers for a period of seven days. On the eighth day, all of the covers were lifted up and the survivors and mortalities were counted and measured. The mean survival percentages of open codend and experimental cages were found to be 97.1% and 98.3% for brown comber, 69.0% and 77.2% for black goby, and 97.5% and 98.6% for annular seabream respectively. |
Keywords: survival rate, escapes, trawl codend, discard and by-catch, Aegean Sea |
Sci. Mar. 74(4) : 755-761 |