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Technical Discussion I Underwater light measurement and light absortion by algae
L.O. Björn, A. Cunningham, Z. Dubinsky, M. Estrada, F.L. Figueroa, F. García-Pichel, D.-P. Häder, D. Hanelt, G. Levavasseur and K. Lüning

In this paper concepts and nomenclature of light measurements are discussed. The particular problems of underwater light measurements and the calibration of the equipment were presented. The pros and cons with spectroradiometers and broad band sensors were discussed. The use of specific ultraviolet-B sources for algal photobiology is recommended.

Keywords: Irradiance, light measurements, nomenclature, photon fluence rate, spectroradiometer, technical discusion , UV sources.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 60(Suppl.1) : 293-297 Back PDF
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