Physical properties and their relationship to sedimentary processes and texture in sediments from mud volcanoes in the Anaximander Mountains (Eastern Mediterranean) |
David Casas, Gemma Ercilla, Vasilis Lykousis, Chryssanthi Ioakim and Constantine Perissoratis |
This research focuses on the mud volcanoes Amsterdam, Kazan and Kula located in the Anaximander Mountains (SW Turkey continental margin), which are characterized by the presence of sediments containing gas and gas hydrate. These mud volcanoes were sampled by recovering four gravity cores. For sediment located right on top (crater or active part of the summit) of the mud volcanoes, the physical properties are controlled by lithology and mud volcanic processes rather than the degree of compaction. This could suggest the possibility of current mud volcanic activity. In contrast, the sediment located in the external flank of Kula mud volcano displays physical properties mostly related to consolidation effects and to the type of sediment at a detailed scale, as occurs typically in deep-sea fine grained sediments. This suggests a restricted influence of mud volcanic processes. |
Keywords: Anaximander, mud volcano, physical properties, sediment texture, index property, gas. |
Sci. Mar. 70(4) : 643-659 |