Biology of the suprabenthic mysid Schistomysis spiritus (Norman, 1860) in the southeastern part of the Bay of Biscay
Carlos San Vicente, J.C. Sorbe
The suprabenthic mysid Schistomysis spiritus was monthly sampled in 198 1-82 and quarterly in 1983-85 in the Aquitanian continental shelf (Bay of Biscay), to determine its life history and secondary production. In this unstable coastal soft-bottom area S. spiritus is one of the dominant species of the suprabenthic community. The demographic analysis of samples suggests that S. spiritus is a trivoltine species; but its summer disappearence from the sampling area shows that the population migrates to some shallower coastal grounds of the Bay of Biscay at that time of the year. The potential longevity of individuals is less than one year and differs between generations.-Using the size frequency method, its annual production was estimated to be 3086 mg 100 m-3 with a correspondig P/B ratio of 6.83.
Keywords: Mysids, suprabenthos, population dynamics, secondary production.
Sci. Mar. 59(Suppl.1) : 71-86
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