Gelatinous zooplankton net-collected in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent submarine canyons: new species, new family (Jeanbouilloniidae), taxonomic remarks and some parasites |
Francesc Pagès, Per Flood and Marsh Youngbluth |
A systematic account is provided of the siphonophores, medusae, ctenophores, molluscs and salps net-collected in basins of the Gulf of Maine and adjacent canyons during three cruises carried out in September 2002, 2003 and 2004. We describe the siphonophore Lensia quadriculata sp. nov. and the hydroidomedusae Jeanbouillonia maserati gen. nov. et sp. nov., the latter is the first member of the new family Jeanbouilloniidae. New observations are made about the morphology and/or systematics of the siphonophore Gilia reticulata and the hydroidomedusae Bougainvillia platygaster, Bougainvillia principis, Modeeria rotunda, Clytia hemisphaerica, Orchistoma collapsum and Dichotomia cannoides. Parasites associated with the ctenophores Pleurobrachia pileus (a cestode) and Beroe sp. (a hyperid amphipod) are reported. |
Keywords: gelatinous zooplankton, Gulf of Maine, new species, Jeanbouillonia, Lensia, Gilia, Bougainvillia, Modeeria, Dichotomia, Dipleurosoma. |
Sci. Mar. 70(3) : 363-379 |