First report of a species of Prasiola (Chlorophyta: Prasiolacea) from the Mediterranean Sea (Lagoon of Venice) |
Ch. Miotti, D. Curiel, A. Rismondo, G. Bellemo, Ch. Dri, E. Checchin, M. Marzocchi |
A green alga belonging to the genus Prasiola, known from terrestrial, marine and freshwater habitats of polar and cold-temperate regions, is recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea. In 2002, during a survey on soft substrata in the Lagoon of Venice (Italy), specimens referable to this genus were found in several areas. The morphological features of thalli are described and their occurrence in the Lagoon of Venice is discussed. Data on associated algal vegetation are also presented. |
Keywords: green algae, Lagoon of Venice, Mediterranean Sea, Prasiola, phytobenthos. |
Sci. Mar. 69(3) : 343-346 |