Spawn and larval development of Pleuroploca aurantiaca (Lamarck, 1816) (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) from Northeast Brazil |
Carlos A. O. Meirelles and Helena Mattews-Cascon |
Spawn and larval development stages of Pleuroploca aurantiaca from northeast Brazil are described. The reproductive period lasted from August to December, with a peak in November. Spawn masses were composed of 29 ± 3 vase-shaped capsules which measured 9 ± 1 mm (n = 30) in length and 4.5 ± 0.5 mm (n = 30) in width. The exit plug was located on the apical area and measured 2.5 ± 0.5 mm (n = 30) in diameter. Each capsule had 353 ± 59 (n = 10) eggs that measured 240 ± 1 µm (n = 15) in diameter. On the tenth day, the intracapsular veliger stage was observed. The intracapsular pediveliger stage was observed on the twenty first day, when the individuals had a functional foot and a reduced velum. Hatching occurred on the thirtieth day, when the early juvenile measured 3 to 5 mm in length and there was no remaining velum. Only 1% of the eggs developed to the hatching stage. The rest were nurse eggs used by embryos as a food resource. Pleuroploca aurantiaca has an intracapsular metamorphosis development type. |
Keywords: reproduction, development, Mollusca, Fasciolariidae, Pleuroploca, Pleuroploca aurantiaca. |
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 199-204 |