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Daily ration of Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum Boulenger, 1902) in the Eastern Weddell Sea
Ignacio Olaso, Antoni Lombarte, Francisco Velasco

The daily ration of Pleuragramma antarcticum in the Eastern Weddell Sea was investigated from midwater and bottom trawl samples collected in the Antarctic in the summer of 1998. Using a gastric evacuation model that takes into account Weddell Sea temperature below zero and information on the prey type daily ration estimates were: 1.133% BW for immature fish of 10-16 cm and 0.484% BW for mature fish of 17-24 cm. The low daily ration intake was influenced by the low temperatures that limited the rate of gastric evacuation. This model seems more realistic than results from the classic Elliot & Persson and Eggers models that are also used in this paper, since their assumptions on feeding regularity are more rigid and they do not consider data of energy density of the prey.

Keywords: daily ration, evacuation rate, Antarctic, pelagic fish, temperature.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 68(3) : 419-424 Back PDF
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