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Chemical composition of phytoplankton and Particulate Organic Matter in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)
A.F. Ríos, F. Fraga, F.F. Pérez and F.G. Figueiras

Elemental (C, H, O, N, Si, P) and biochemical composition (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phosphorus compounds, chlorophyll and opal) in particulate organic matter, diatoms, other autotrophs, heterotrophs and detritus from natural plankton were established simultaneously by measuring relatively few components. Using standard techniques in marine chemistry on board ship, it is possible to infer a great deal about the composition and condition of the plankton. In addition, the organic matter content in terms of cell volume was determined for each group of plankton. Variation of chemical composition with depth was also considered. The ratio carbohydrates/lipids (Cbh/Lip) was used as an indicator of the chemical quality of the plankton.

Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 62(3) : 257-271 Back PDF
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