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Morphometric and biological data on Ancistrocheirus lesueurii (Orbigny, 1842) from the middle-eastern Mediterranean Sea
G. D'Onghia, P. Maiorano and A. Tursi

The occurrence of adult specimens of Ancistrocheirus lesueurii in the Ionian Sea and the first finding through bottom trawling in the Mediterranean is reported in this paper. Ten females were collected in June 1995 during an experimental survey and in July of the same year from commercial fishing. The specimens were caught during daylight hours at depths between 500 and 580 m. Their size ranged from 175 to 250 mm DML. Morphometric indexes were recorded: FLI was beteween 83.3 and 93 while FWI ranged from 76.4 to 92. Nine individuals had ripe ovaries with exclusively vitellogenic eggs. The largest egg size was 2.6 x 1.91 mm in diameter. Potential fecundity was estimated as 22,205 + 12,532 eggs.

Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 61(3) : 389-396 Back PDF
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