Tagging of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis L. (Cephalopoda: Decapoda), in the Gulf of Tunis
Soufia Ezzeddine-Najai
A total of 536 cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, were tagged and released in the gulf of Tunis (westernMediterranean). The tracking experiment lasted five months (from February to June) and forty eight cuttlefish (8.96%) wererecovered within eighty-nine days. Laboratory experiments showed that the plastic fanion tag inserted in the anterior portionof the mantle was the most practical and safest for the purpose. Cuttlefish movement was oriented towards the littoralzone, coinciding with the spawning season of Sepia officinalis which begins in February. The mean movement speed wasestimated at 0.23 km/day and the mean square dispersion coefficient at 6.49 km2/day.
Keywords: Displacement, Sepia officinalis, tagging, gulf of Tunis, western Mediterranean.
Sci. Mar. 61(Suppl.2) : 59-65
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