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The larval morphology of Pollicipes pollicipes (Gmelin, 1790) (Cirripedia: Lepadomorpha) with notes on cypris settlement
M. Kugele and A.B. Yule

The larvae of the scalpellid barnacle Pollicipespollicipes were reared in the laboratory on a mixed diet of Skeletonemacostatum with Rhinomonas reticulata. The major morphological characteristics of the seven larval stages are described. Minor differences between such characteristics and those of the previously described P.polymerus support a close phylogenetic relationship. Stage I and II P.pollicipes nauplii reared from laboratory maintained adults were similarly sized to those reared from egg masses collected from the Algarve (Portugal). P. pollicipes larvae were larger than P. polymerus nauplii at each developmental stage, but differences in rearing conditions make it impossible to establish the cause as either genetic or environmental. Limited success resulted from attempts to induce cyprids to settle using methodology commonly employed for balanomorph barnacles indicating the lack of some major settlement induction cue(s).

Keywords: Pollicipes pollicipes, larval morphology, larval settlement, cirripede taxonomy.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 60(4) : 469-480 Back PDF
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