Biology of the rough scad Trachurus lathami, on the sutheastern coast of Brazil |
S.A. Saccardo and M. Katsuragawa |
This paper presents the current state of knowledge of Trachurus lathami on the southeastern coast of Brazil. In relation to its early life history, most ofthe studies are concentrated on morphological development, seasonal occurrence, distribution and abundance of larvae. The egg stage has not yet been studied. Ichthyoplankton surveys showed that rough scad is the dominant species among carangids and its stock seems to be stable. Results of the Dec/91 cruise demonstrated an increase of its population reinforcing the suggestion that the rough scad may be an alternative to the declining sardine fishery. Morphological studies of adult T. lathami revealed no distinct populations within this area. Comparing its distribution and abundance with those found in the literature, the existence of another population in the south of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina has been discussed. The first maturity occursat about 115 min total length (two years-old). Spawning activities are more intensive in early spring and summer, but extend all year-round according to ichthyoplankton surveys. Age determination was made by reading annuli onotoliths. The maximum number of annuli was 8. Von Bertalanffy growth parameterswere L∞= 259 min TL, K = 0.16 year-1 and t0 = -1.85. The population structure in terms of age and length composition is given. Its feeding behavior, as well as the association levels with other marine pelagic species, are presented. |
Keywords: Trachurus lathami, southern Brazil, seasonal distribution, population structure, ichthyoplankton surveys, spawning, growth, ecological association. |
Sci. Mar. 59(3-4) : 265-275 |