Ondas internas en la plataforma frente a la Ría de Vigo, y posibles consecuencias ecológicas.
S. Fraga
INTERNAL WAVES ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF OFF RIA DE VIGO, AND POSSIBLE ECOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES.- High-frequency internal waves over the shelf off Ría de Vigo on the 100 m isobath are described. A packet of waves with a period of about 44 minutes and an amplitude up to 10 m was observed during the rise of the tide. An internal tide with an amplitude of about 6.5 m was also observed. Some of the consequences that internal waves may have in the plankton ecology of the rías are considered.
Keywords: N. Atlantic, Ría de Vigo, coastal oceanography, internal waves.
Sci. Mar. 60(4) : 543-547
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