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Dialogue Computer System BIKEY as applied to diagnostics of Cnidaria (illustrated by an example of hydroids of the genus Symplectoscyphus)
A.L. Lobanov, S.D. Stepanjants, M.B. Dianov

The paper is a short outline of the interactive computer system BIKEY intended for identification of biological objects. The basic system functions are discussed with special attention for its dialogue program-operated illustrated keys. The system operating procedure is illustrated by an example of key construction for Antarctic species of hydroids of the genus Symplectoscyphus.

Keywords: identification, key, monoentry, multientry, dichotomous, polychotomous, characters, state of character, matrix, hydroids, hydrotheca, gonotheca.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 211-220 Back PDF
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