A landing forecast for horse mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus murphyi (Nichols, 1920) off Central Chile |
H. Arancibia, R. Alarcón, L. Cubillos and D. Arcos |
In the period from 1990 to 1992, the landings of horse mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus murphyii) off Central Chile showed a conspicuous seasonality, with a maximum between April and July, and a minimum between September and January. The monthly landings (Y, tons) were fitted to a trigonometrical function, with amplitude (A) being variable and period (T) constant along a long-term trend (a), whose form is: YF = a - ATcos(n P t + F). The predicted 1993 monthly landings were calculated, with an accumulated value of 2.5 million tons. The difference between the observed and predicted monthly landings was 0.8%. |
Keywords: forecast, Trachurus symmetricus murphyii, astern South Pacific. |
Sci. Mar. 59(2) : 113-117 |