Thirteen out of 75 Chilean crabs Cancer plebejus Poeppig, when examined by artificial digestion, revealed a total 133 Proleptus sp. and 4 Anisakis type I larvae. The intensity of infection by Proleptus sp. was 1-56, and for Anisakis sp. was 4. Neither prevalence nor intensity of Proleptus. sp. larvae were correlated with carapace width. Proleptus sp. larvae occurred in the viscera, thoracic muscles, and leg muscles. Some of the larvae were molting, thus indicating that C. plebejus is an intermediate host. Body length of Proleptus sp. larvae varied between crabs due either to the infrapopulations consisting of worms of different ages, or to single infections with infective larvae of different sizes. However, parasites from each body site were not different in body length. The main topics discussed are the entry route of Proleptus sp. larvae into crabs, as well as the importance of the predation of the catshark S. chi1ensis upon C. plebejus for the life cycle of the parasite. Ensheathed third-stage Anisakis sp. larvae were found in the viscera of one crab. |