Evaluation of the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus, L.) resource off the "Serola" bank off Barcelona (western Mediterranean) |
Francisco Sardà, Jordi Lleonart |
The paper describes VPA results for Nephrops norvegicus off the Serola Bank (Western Mediterranean) and the yield per recruit of the same exploitable stock using different input parameters of growth and mortality. Also density estimates by swept-area are presented and compared with evaluations by geostatistic methods previously realized on this bank. Results show that in the Norway lobster population off Catalonia there are no signs of high overexploitation and that the catchability varies considerably between months, decreasing when females are berried during autumn and winter. Values of mean biomass and number, recruits and optimal Y/R, are give for each set of parameters used and for males and females separately. |
Keywords: N. norvegicus, Mediterranean, fishery, VPA. evaluation, Y/R, population dynamics. |
Sci. Mar. 57(2-3) : 191-197 |