Bottom trawling teuthofauna of the northern Tyrrhenian Sea
Paola Belcari, Paolo Sartor
The bathymetric distribution and relative abundance of cephalopods from the northern Tyrrhenian Sea have been investigated. The specimens were collected during six trawl surveys carried out from 1985 to 1987, between the isles of Elba and Giannutri. Cephalopods represented 9-17% of the total commercial catches. The depth of the catches ranged from 4 m to 635 m. The average catch per hour of the commercial species has been analysed. Eledone cirrhosa represents the most abundant species. Some observations on the biology of the most frequent species are given.
Keywords: Cephalopods, distribution, fishery, Tyrrhenian Sea, western Mediterranean.
Sci. Mar. 57(2-3) : 145-152
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